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Sunday, March 1, 2015

Six Sentence Sunday: 1st March, 2015

We're definitely loving our Cuisine Companion already because it makes things so simple - case in point? Jesse made his first ever risotto last night with me using the Cuisine Companion* and it was so delicious that I'm currently eating the leftovers for lunch! (And I cannot tell you how awesome it was to not make dinner for once - except for grilling some chicken and steaming some veggies haha)

I'm definitely looking forward to trying out new recipes in the Cuisine Companion soon and I've already written up a bunch of ideas I want to try out! (I also started a Cuisine Companion Facebook Group for Healthy Recipes!) 

After dinner, this MJ fan and her husband headed over to The Lyric Theatre to see the brand new Thriller Live (check out the website for tickets/cast info/sneak peeks - the season runs until March 15!) and we had an awesome night out!

Whilst it was a little different to what I was expecting, we loved the show and I was in awe of the talent of the cast - their vocals, dance moves and enthusiasm was totally on point and made for an awesome show!

After taking a day off from working out yesterday (as I managed to pull a muscle in my right thigh on Friday), I am totally paying for it today as I have a completely numb leg which simply does not want to wake up! 

This week Jesse is heading back to Canberra for work and I have a crazy week filled with events, meetings and more so I am somewhat hanging out for next weekend :P 

But tell me, how has your weekend been?
Do you like theatre shows/musical?
And what did you have for dinner last night?

*We were selected by Cuisine Companion as an ambassador, however, all opinions are entirely our own!


  1. That sounds like a fun weekend! We are wrapping up school vacation week in the northeastern US, so as a teacher, this weekend I'm getting ready to go back to school tomorrow. Also, since you asked, last night we had salad and cheesy herbed flatbread for dinner!

  2. It was a lovely weekend! Your dinner sounds delish!


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