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Friday, March 27, 2015

Recent Things: 7 Year-Un-iversary, Mushroom Overload and a Competition!

Hello my sweet ones! It's Friday once again and today is actually a rather special day. Today marks seven years of Jesse and I being together - isn't that crazy?!

I feel like seven years is a pretty decent chunk of time. You wouldn't call a seven year old a baby and a tree that's been growing for seven years would be a pretty okay size - but to spend seven years with someone without killing them?! Well, I think Jesse deserves some kind of medal ;) I'm super lucky that the boy I fell in love with happens to be the man I'm married to and today I'm super grateful for all that we've been through and all that we have ahead of us.

But enough yapping, let me tell you about our week! >>

Organic Swiss Brown Mushrooms

Recent Lesson: When you buy almost a kilo of organic swiss brown mushrooms from the Farmer's market on Saturday, don't go and eat the entire lot of them on your own (bar three little mushrooms) on Sunday because your stomach will hate you. 

Errrr... yeah... It wasn't exactly my brightest moment but on Sunday I came home from church with mushrooms on my mind (now that sounds really wrong....) and cooked three giant stuffed mushrooms for lunch.  They were so good that Jesse then decided he wanted them with dinner - so whilst I cooked him up some chicken and made three stuffed mushrooms on the side, I proceeded to eat the rest or the mushrooms on their own for dinner with one random cheesy zucchini boat.

Not a good idea, friends. They may have tasted delicious but I wasn't feeling so fabulous :P Lesson learnt.... until next time

Gorgeous Pink Sunrise in Sydney with Rainbow

Recent Prettiness: On Tuesday, Sydney woke up to apricot skies and a pink hued sunrise as well as a gorgeous rainbow on the other side - wherever you looked God was showing off His creation! 

Sweet Potato Hash with Turkey, Zucchini and Feta

Recent Eats: Jesse's been home all week so there's been less ugly food and more new creations about. Here's what's been on our dinner table this week;

Pasta with Grilled Chicken, Avocado and Feta
Gnocchi with Cheesy Sauce, Grilled Chicken and Fresh Herbs
Saturday: On Saturday I grabbed a quick sandwich to go as we headed into the city to see Le Noir! Jesse had eaten a big breakfast at the markets and then a big lunch at home with the family so he didn't want anything. 

Sunday: Sunday was the stuffed mushroom fiasco :P Delicious fresh organic swiss brown mushrooms (some of which were really portabellas as portabellas are just bigger swiss browns) stuffed with ricotta, parmesan, fresh herbs and garlic plus some with ham mixed through as well - served up with salad and a cheesy zucchini boat. 

Monday: On Monday night we made our favourite Roasted Pumpkin and Feta Quinoa Bowls with added avocado - never gets old!

Tuesday: This is where randomness came into play and I created the combination you see at the top. Turkey mince with sauteed sweet potatoes and zucchini, topped with feta cheese and avocado (which was added post-photo). Random but seriously, ridiculously delicious. Sweet potato hash combinations will definitely be making a frequent appearance throughout the colder months!

Wednesday: On Wednesday night I got home late and we needed something quick for dinner so I whipped up our favourite Avocado Basil Spaghetti Recipe, only using penne pasta and adding in some grilled chicken and feta cheese.

Thursday: Last night I didn't really know what I wanted for dinner so I scrambled around in the pantry and found a packet of gluten free gnocchi so I whipped up a quick dish of Lightened Up Cheesy Gnocchi with Grilled Chicken and Fresh Herbs - so so good!

Tonight: Tonight I'll either use up the rest of the GF gnocchi and make something with that or make something quick and easy like our Sticky Peanut Stir Fry Recipe or Healthy Hamburger Helper Copycat Recipe - or even some lean beef burgers if Jesse would prefer that (this girl probably needs some red meat!)  before we rush off to our last week of Ignite for the term!

Peanut Butter and Banana Blondies

Recent Baking Adventures: This week I've been whipping up all sorts of treats. I made some delicious Peanut Butter and Banana Blondies which Jesse is obsessed with as well as Vegan Blueberry and Banana Muffins and today I'm going to whip up some Healthy Banana Breakfast Cheesecakes for a special treat tomorrow!

Le Noir Review - Sydney Lyric Theatre - Discount Le Noir Tickets

Recent Awe: I still can't get over Le Noir. Seriously, if you can, go and see it right away! (And I just got an email that LastTix have tickets for $69 for the next couple of days!!)

Wonder Woman Singlet

Recent Purchases: A Wonder Woman singlet... because I can and stuff ;P This was an impulse eBay purchase when I was buying something else because, well, it was $5 and I thought I was funny :P 

Win 1 of 5 Simply Seven Prize Packs

Recent Obsession: Hummus CHIPS! I'm a girl who can never have enough hummus so there's no questioning why I'm obsessed with Simply 7 products - but I thought I'd share the love and give you the chance to try them for yourself! 

Enter using the below form! 

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Pink Castle from Costco

Recent Find: Jesse and my new house at Costco. It's within our budget, it's pink and we can fit it in the backyard. Best of all, it's just like a Tardis because it's bigger on the inside :P Don't know if I can convince Jesse though... 

DIY Pompoms

Recent Projects: I'm working on a couple of different projects for the blog at the moment. One involving paint and another involving lots and lots of pompoms! What am I doing? You'll just have to wait and see! ;) 

But tell me, how has your week been?
What was the last thing you randomly purchased?
What's one lesson you've learn this week?
And what's the best thing you've eaten this week?


  1. Mushroom EnthusiastMarch 27, 2015 at 12:20 PM

    Too many mushrooms? Impossible!

  2. Haha I know!! Who would have thought possible?!

  3. Happy Anniversary to you guys! And I am a HUGE mushroom fan, but I don't think I've ever eaten that many in one sitting. Which is saying something for me because I've eaten quite a few in one day....I could totally see myself going overboard on them as well. Thanks for the tip!

  4. Haha, it was definitely a mushroom overdose :P

  5. How is Ignite going? I cannot believe it is the end of the term already!

  6. It´s always nice to have your recipes and weekly updates in the inbox :) And wow, seven years! Congratulations!

  7. YAY! I'm so glad they have Simply 7 in Australia! I love the chia crisps so much!

  8. It is going really well! We are so lucky to have so many kids coming along each week - they all have a great time and are really connecting as a group which is awesome as they all come from different schools!

  9. Thank you, Anne! You're so sweet - thank you for being an awesome reader xoxo

  10. Haha they have some seriously good products!

  11. Oh, I do so love a pom pom!


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