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Friday, March 13, 2015

Recent Things: The Kristy Rollercoaster and Learning to Love the Dreadmill

Recent Things in the Southern In-Law World

Hello my lovely ones! It's Friday and it has been one of those weeks so I am so ready to fall into bed tonight :P I've just gotten home from a meeting and somehow popped my knee out this morning so I'm in pain and quickly writing this post before rushing off to another meeting so it's go go go until about 8:30pm tonight when we can finally relax. 

But let me tell you about the week that was, shall I? 

Taco Tuesday - Healthy Mexican Night at the Southern In-Law House

Black Bean Corn and Zucchini Fritters
Recent Dinners;
I think it's safe to say this has been a week of bean and avocado obsessions. We just can't get enough beans or avocadoes this week so they've been featuring regularly in our dinners. Here's what's been on our dinner table this week; 

Healthy Hamburger Helper Pasta RecipeSaturday; Boscaiola Risotto with Salad (so seriously ridiculously good - I have come up with the perfect Lightened Up Risotto Recipe - and when made in our Cuisine Companion it's even easier. I need to share that recipe with you ASAP!)

Sunday; Copycat Healthy "Hamburger Helper" Pasta (This is something I randomly came up with for Jesse as a healthy copycat recipe. I had no idea what Hamburger Helper was, however, after a bit of research and some recipe testing I came up with the perfect healthy alternative - and I actually really like it too!)

Monday; Baked Sesame Chicken with Avocado, Rice and Stir Fried Veggies (seriously obsessed with that recipe - especially when you add avocado... I told you... obsessed)

Baked Sesame Chicken RecipeTuesday; Beef and Black Bean Tacos with Avocado and Cheese (Burritos for Jesse and Crunchy Taco Shells for me)

Wednesday; Avocado Spaghetti with grilled chicken and bacon added (seriously... make those additions - so so good!)

Thursday; Corn, Black Bean and Zucchini Fritters topped with Avocado and Cheese and served up with salad. (This is what happens when we have nothing planned and someone decides dinner has to involve black beans, corn, zucchini and avocado - you experiment and eat the results!)

Tonight; Tonight we've got to have dinner made and eaten and be at the church by 5:30pm for our youth group so dinner will be something quick and easy. I'm thinking pasta or a stir fry but we'll see what happens!

Cheeky Trixie Belle

Recent Puppy Love; Whilst Trixie has become snugglier recently, she's still up to serious mischief. Girl will eat ALL THE THINGS - whether they're left in her reach or not. She can now jump up on the couches and our beds so she is taking that freedom and running with it.... or should that be chewing with it? 

Chanel is perfect as always - just being antagonised by a pup who wants to constantly be by her side - licking her, chewing on her fur, etcetc. 

Acupuncture Treatments for Poor Circulation

Recent Health; We're changing tactics with my acupuncture treatments so this week I had needles in my stomach as well as all over my legs. It looks like it's actually my stomach area that's the cause of all of my problems and the acupuncture did seem to help a bit more this week than in previous weeks so we'll see how it goes!

I also went to a chiropractor this week to have my back and shoulders checked out. When I was born, the doctor pulled too hard on my right shoulder and snapped all of the nerves in my neck so I've had Erb's Palsy for my entire life as a result of that. In basic terms, I have limited rotation and use of my right arm - you can't tell that by looking at me, however, when it comes to lifting things or turning door knobs it's definitely noticeable (but I never do those things infront of other people with my right hand :P). Because of the limited use of my right arm and the way the shoulder blade sits due to the damage, I've always had imbalances in my right side so I wanted to check and make sure there wasn't anything happening that would potentially cause injuries in the future.

I guess you could say I was trying to be safe - but I also wasn't expecting that there would be anything seriously wrong.... but I was definitely wrong about that :P This girl may not be curvy on the inside, but she sure is curvy on the outside - with hips that are out of alignment (which has always been a problem and I've had these realigned multiple times), curvatures in my spine (not just one because I like to be unique :P) and neck it's time that things got sorted - and the culprit isn't actually my shoulder disability but my flat feet! So I'm going to have to wear orthotics which will hopefully correct all of the different issues.

The rollercoaster ride never ceases in Kristyland, I say ;P 

Max Lucado's He Chose The Nails

Recent Reads; Both Jesse and I have read He Chose The Nails by Max Lucado this week and it is so good. I cannot recommend this book enough. It's short, sharp and to the point and with short chapters it's a book anyone can read - even if you only have 10 or 15 minutes a day! I read it in a couple of hours and Jesse did the same.

Workout Recap

Learning to Love The Treadmill
Recent Workouts; This week the SIL House got a new piece of technology... a treadmill! I have been known to hate treadmills, however, my uncle no longer wanted his and was going to sell it so we bought it from him and I've been using it this week.

It seems my hatred of the treadmill has reduced somewhat now that I can watch family feuds whilst doing my evening walk :P 

Saturday;  30 min cardio + morning walk
Sunday; 15 min cardio + 8 min abs + 8 min lower abs + morning walk + evening walk
Monday; 20 min cardio/strength + 8 min abs + 8 min abs + morning walk + evening walk
Tuesday; 25 min aerobic/strength + walk to and from appointments + evening walk on the treadmill
15 min aerobic + 30 min walk on the treadmill + walk to church + evening walk on the treadmill 
Thursday; 30 min cardio + morning walk + evening walk
Today; 25 min cardio/strength + 5 min abs + 30 min walk on the treadmill + chasing crazy kids at Ignite tonight.

Cirque Du Soleil Le Noir

Recent Plans; We've got lots of exciting things happening over the next couple of weeks! Next week we're going to see Cirque Du Soleil's Le Noir at The Lyric then the following week we're heading back to The Comedy Store to see another standup show (thanks to a half price ticket special!) and sometime over the next couple of weeks we want to fit in a trip to some orchards to go apple picking and a trip to the movies to see Home (because it looks seriously cute!)

But tell me, how has your week been?
What's the best thing you've eaten this week?
What's the best thing you've read/watched lately?
And what workouts are you currently loving?


  1. Do a post on acupuncture!!!! I'm always so curious!

  2. Those tacos look delish! I love black beans, too. Have a great weekend!

  3. They were delicious! I hope you had a lovely weekend! xx


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