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Friday, February 27, 2015

Recent Things: A New Addition, Avocado Obsessions and Childhood Dreams

 What a week, friends. Seriously! We have had something on every single day this week and I am so past exhausted! In fact, I'm quickly writing this post before I've got to rush off to an acupuncture appointment, then it's back home for a conference call, time to make dinner and quickly eat it before rushing off to Ignite tonight. But nevertheless, it's been a productive week and I've got lots to share with you!

So let's have a look at what we've been up to! >>

Recent Eats: Perhaps the biggest giveaway that we've been crazy busy this week is the lack of photos on our Instagram! Dinners have been fast and eaten quickly before rushing off to events/appointments/meetings. Here's what we've been eating this week;

Saturday: Lean beef burgers on GF English muffins with saladSunday: Grilled chicken with a creamy feta sauce and roasted veggies (seen above!)Monday: Our favourite Easy Healthy Mac and Cheese Recipe with a side saladTuesday: Grilled chicken breast with a side of avocado & feta rice (seen on the right)Wednesday: Lightened up fettucine boscaiola with zucchini and salad Thursday: Ham, cheese and avocado toasted sandwich devoured before rushing off to a very exciting event!Tonight: Tonight we're having what Jesse calls "Hamburger Helper" pasta - it's basically macaroni and cheese with seasoned beef mince. I've never tried it but he's desperate for me to try it so that's what we're having!

Recent Excitement: There's a new addition to the SIL Kitchen. We haven't come up with a name for her yet, however, last night SIL Mama and I headed to the launch of the Tefal Cuisine Companion with a bunch of other lovely bloggers. We learnt about the wonder machine, made an incredible risotto in under half an hour and then at the end of the night, we took home our own shiny new machine!

I'm excited to play around with it and come up with some recipes. The One Million Menus Cookbook it comes with is definitely great inspiration, however, lacking in healthy allergy friendly recipes so I will definitely be working on creating some of those!

Recent Workouts: This week I've switched up my usual order of workouts - doing a HIIT/cardio workout first and then going for my morning walk, rather than doing my workout in the middle of the day. This was simply because we've been so busy, however, I'm actually finding it's working a million times better for my circulation!

Saturday: Morning walk + 25 min cardio + 3 min abs + evening walk
Sunday: Morning walk + 15 min cardio + 5 min abs + 6 min obliques + evening walk
Monday: 12 min cardio + 8 min abs + morning walk + evening walk 
Tuesday: 20 min cardio + morning walk + evening walk 
Wednesday: Morning walk + 15 min cardio + 8 min abs + evening walk
Thursday: Morning walk + 10 min cardio + 6 min oblique + 6 min abs + walk to and from our church to babysit some lil'uns (about 20 mins each way at Kristy speed :P)
Today: 25 min cardio (no time to do anything else!)

Recent Obsession: Avocado, avocado, avocado and avocado - I cannot get enough avocado at the moment. Can't stop won't stop.

Recent eBook Progress: This week I haven't had that much time to work on the eBook, however, I'm planning on working hard every spare second I have this weekend and next weekend so that we can get it published ASAP! Exciting stuff - especially when it involves the above vegan blueberry cobbler that's out of this world delicious and ready in less than five minutes from start to finish!

Recent Plans: Tomorrow we're off to see Thriller Live and this MJ obsessive girl can. not. wait. Seeing Michael was a dream I had since I was a little girl but I never got the chance to, so I'm hoping this may be the next best thing! I will have to let you know on Sunday!

But tell me, how has your week been?
Anything exciting happen?
What's the best thing you've eaten this week?
And who's one musician you would love to see live?


  1. I love all you're walking! I can't wait till the summer and my mom and I can go on our daily walks again!

  2. Haha, because I don't drive I walk EVERYWHERE - luckily most things are within a half an hour walk (though, if Jesse was walking or someone else it'd probably take way long - I just walk at normal people's jogging pace :P)


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