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Friday, February 20, 2015

Recent Things: Delicious Treats, Weekly Eats and Lots of Laughs

Hey sweet things! It's Friday again, yay! Jesse and I are so ready for the weekend this week - and this weekend we have some exciting things planned. Whilst our weekends don't really start until late tonight (after our youth group is finished for the night) we both have the day off today so we're starting our "weekend" early!

But let me share what we've been up to this week! >> 

Chanel Waiting for Surgery

Recent Chanel-ness; Let's get the somewhat bad out of the way first. This little Missy gave us a little bit of a fright this past week when we found her hernia (which she's had since we got her) all of a sudden got really big and had an odd rash/blood spots appear around the hernia bump. 

We bundled her and Trixie up and headed over to see Dr Dave at Vets and Pets Darlinghurst (our favourite vet!) to see what was happening. Dave wasn't happy to leave the hernia the way it was so he squeezed Chanel in for surgery on Monday and at 7pm we picked up a hernia-less Chanel. She's been doing remarkably well since the surgery and doesn't seem to be in any pain - I just can't wait to see what her belly looks like without the big ol' bump :P 

Lindt 90% Dark Chocolate with Peanut Butter

Recent Obsession; Lindt 90% Dark Chocolate spread with peanut butter. Helllllllllllllllllloooooooooooooooo heaven. This is my current favourite dessert when I'm not feeling like protein nice-cream.

Healthy Single Serve Microwave Chocolate Chip Cookie - Healthy Single Serve Microwave Recipes Healthy Single Serve Paleo Cake - Healthy Single Serve Microwave Recipes
Peanut Butter Banana Protein Cake - Healthy Single Serve Microwave Recipes Molten Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup Lava Cake

Recent Fun; I've been working away on our Healthy Single Serve Microwave Recipes eBook and I'm so excited to share all of the deliciousness with you. If you're wondering what you'll find inside, here's a little sneak peek a' la Instagram (from L-R top to bottom); Microwave Oatmeal Cookie, Paleo Cake for One, Peanut Butter & Banana Protein Cake and Molten Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup Lava Cake! So so so good!

I've been asked by a lot of emails if I could email them when the eBook is out so I thought I'd put together a little email list where I'll send you updates on the eBook progress - and where you'll also be able to help us decide what goes in the eBook, how it should look etc! 

You can sign up for updates by clicking the Inside Scoop button above or by clicking here and filling out the form!

Pesto Parmesan Risotto with Grilled Chicken and Zucchini and Spinach

Recent Eats; Here's what's been on our dinner table in the last week!

Healthy Baked Chicken Schnitzel with Chips and SaladSaturday; Saturday was Valentines Day and whilst we did have tickets to go out that night, we both weren't feeling too well and decided to instead have a date night at home. I made Healthy Baked Chicken Schnitzels and Chips, served up with a creamy mustard dipping sauce and salad and we enjoyed a relaxed night at home!

Sunday; Chicken Sausages with Sauteed Zucchini and Salad
Chicken Bacon Rice Bowls Monday; Beef Sung Choi Bao Lettuce Wraps. I've been loving this lately so I made it for the first time for Jesse (as he was home!) but whilst he liked it, he didn't like that I added noodles into the mix (girl needs carbs!) so next time I'll have to leave them out for him!

Tuesday; Chicken Bacon Rice Bowls for two. Now that I've found a bacon I can eat I could finally enjoy this with Jesse!
Quinoa Bowls with Roasted Pumpkin, Grilled Chicken, Avocado and FetaWednesday; When Jesse's away Kristy will eat all the green things. This night I ate the risotto up top which had grilled chicken and zucchini, pesto, parmesan cheese and baby spinach!

Thursday; Last night we have Quinoa Bowls with Avocado, Roasted Pumpkin, Grilled Chicken and Feta Cheese - seriously one of our favourite meals and so so simple!

Tonight we've got to be out of the house by 5:30 and won't be home til around 8:30 so the plan is to make up a quick noodle stir fry with veggies to quickly eat before heading out!

Healthy Chocolate Cake A La Mode

Recent (Not Such An) Indulgence; Healthy Chocolate Cake a' la mode! This is another recipe you'll find in our eBook and it's seriously, ridiculously good! 

Workout Recap for the Week
Recent Workouts; Well you've seen a lot of what I've eaten this week (as I'm currently Instagram obsessed again - if you like food follows you should definitely follow us @southerninlaw :P) but what about workouts?! 

Here's what I've been sweating over this week; 
Saturday; Morning walk* + 15 min cardio + 5 min abs + evening walk* 
Sunday; Morning walk + NOTHING (because someone was having a sooky feel sorry for herself day and decided that she hated everything under the sun - including exercise) + evening walk when I realised how silly I'd been because I was in so much pain.
Monday; Morning walk + 38 min cardio/aerobic/strength/abs combo + evening walk 
Tuesday; Morning walk + 20 min cardio/strength + 8 min abs + evening walk with Trixie who was feeling very neglected as Chanel was getting all the attention post-surgery
Wednesday; Morning walk + 20 min aerobic + 5 min abs + evening walk
Thursday; Morning walk + 15 min aerobic + 8 min abs + 3 min abs + evening walk
Today; Morning walk + I'm about to go and do a quick 25 min cardio workout and maybe some abs to get my blood flowing (as my feet are currently numb and driving me crazy) and then I'll probably be chasing after kids all evening at Ignite (I'm boss at Cops and Robbers, you see and I probably shouldn't be a leader because I'm more like a child :P) 

*If you're new to these parts you might be thinking I have OCD  (which I probably do.... haha) but I start and finish my days with a walk. In the mornings I walk around the big park by our house for about 30 minutes (about 2.2 miles/3.6 km in total) and that's a must for me if I want to start my day off right. It's my "me" time where I can think, pray and clear my head for the day ahead. After dinner I usually take a quick 10-15 minute walk around our house to get the blood flowing in my legs so I'm not completely crippled by 8pm (as I'm having seriously awful circulation problems at the moment!) and if I don't do that I'm usually regretting it all night long when I can't sleep and have to beg Jesse to massage my legs haha.

It's your Birthday? I'm Glowing!

Recent Fun; Today is my lovely Mama's birthday and she's off to Adelaide for a wedding so I've been bombarding her with silly photos of our pups - and because I know you'll read this; HAPPY BIRTHDAY, I LOVE YOU BESTEST MUM EVER! :) 

Biggest Comedy Show on Earth

Recent Plans; We're doing something totally different this weekend and heading out tomorrow night to the Biggest Comedy Show on Earth at the Comedy Store. We've been putting together a "bucket list" of things we want to do lately and seeing a live comedy show was on the list so we decided to do just that! I'm sure I'll tell you all about it on Sunday though!

But tell me, how has your week been? 
What's the best thing you've eaten this week?
And have you ever been to a live stand up comedy show?


  1. How did I not know you were working on an e-book?!

  2. Lisa@runningoutofwineFebruary 21, 2015 at 12:36 PM

    I remember going to a comedy show a long time ago when I was on vacation. Have fun! And i just followed you on instagram:)


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