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Thursday, February 19, 2015

Recipe: Double Peanut Butter Protein Raw Bites

Healthy Peanut Butter Protein Raw Bites - low carb, gluten free, vegan, refined sugar free, no bake, bliss balls, clean eating recipes

I have a reputation as a peanut butter lover. You see, our family and friends know of my obsession with putting peanut butter on everything under the sun and they've probably seen me eat peanut butter in some shape or form just about every time they've seen me. 

In fact, I am often sent pictures of new nut butters family and friends have spotted here and there - and I've had too many conversations start with "well I was thinking of you the other day when I saw/ate/read about/made this peanut butter". 

It's an addiction.... but can you blame me?!

And because of my addiction, I couldn't just make Peanut Butter Protein Raw Bites - I had to make Double Peanut Butter Protein Raw Bites. 

Vegan Peanut Butter Protein Raw Bites - low carb, gluten free, vegan, refined sugar free, no bake, bliss balls, clean eating recipes

I've been trying to eat more protein lately and Peanut Flour is definitely one of my favourite high protein additions. I've struggled to find a protein powder I can eat (as I have so many allergies and won't eat any artificial sugars - or stevia) so peanut flour has always been my natural and seriously delicious alternative.

These little bites have over 8 grams of protein in each one and are jam packed with peanut butter flavour. You can use your favourite peanut butter (I've been using Earth Balance Creamy Natural Peanut Butter and Flaxseed as we love it) or see below for peanut-free alternatives!

Best of all this is a raw bite recipe without a food processor or blender involved in the process. All you need is a bowl, a spoon or spatula and a little bit of elbow grease ;) 

But let me give you the recipe so that you can make them for yourself! >>

Gluten Free Peanut Butter Protein Raw Bites - low carb, gluten free, vegan, refined sugar free, no bake, bliss balls, clean eating recipes

Double Peanut Butter Protein Raw Bites makes 7 large bites
gluten free, high protein, refined sugar free, freezer friendly, vegan, low carb

1/2 cup (120g) your favourite peanut butter (*see peanut free options below - we used Earth Balance Creamy Natural Peanut Butter and Flaxseed)
1/2 cup (60g) peanut flour
3 tbsp maple syrup (or honey for a non-vegan option) 
1 tsp vanilla extract
Optional: chocolate chips, pinch of salt (if using unsalted PB) 
  • In a large bowl, mix together all of your ingredients until just combined. If your mix is looking a little dry, add some water or milk by the tsp until you're able to roll your mixture into balls.
  • Roll your mixture into bites (you can make them big or small, the choice is yours!) or form them into bars if you prefer.
  • Refrigerate your peanut butter bites for around half an hour before devouring (this isn't entirely necessary, but we like them better when they're cold). 
  • These will keep in the fridge in an airtight container or ziplock bag for up to two weeks or can be frozen and taken out and eaten as desired - just leave them out of the freezer for a couple of minutes before chowing down so you don't break your teeth!

Peanut Free Options:
Obviously these substitutions are going to give you a totally different flavour and slightly different texture, however, we've tried them all out and they still make delicious raw bites nonetheless!

Instead of peanut butter use almond butter/sunflower seed butter/cashew butter etc 
Instead of peanut flour use coconut flour/almond meal/your favourite protein powder/ground sunflower seeds or pepitas

But tell me, are you a nut butter fiend like me?
What's your favourite peanut butter/nut butter of choice?


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