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Thursday, January 1, 2015

Recipe: Healthy Chocolate Baked Oatmeal for One

Healthy Chocolate Baked Oatmeal for One Recipe - low fat, gluten free, sugar free, vegan, healthy

I walk around the park by our house every morning, however, each year at this time I notice that I see at least three times as many people as I usually do. I like to call it the Resolution Rush.

You see, the clock strikes midnight on New Year's Eve and all of a sudden, thousands of people around the world are swearing by their New Year's Resolutions. I think you should just call them ers because that's what they tend to be - happier, healthier, fitter, stronger, richer, better. According to a survey by the University of Scranton, only 8% of people actually keep their New Year's Resolutions - but why? Usually because those goals are unrealistic.

Especially when it comes to food.

Each year I get hundreds of requests from readers because they're cutting out entire food groups or following specific diets - and we all hear our friends and family members talking about how they're going to cut out this or avoid that.

But those diets only work for so long - and before you know it, you're counting down to midnight on the next New Year's Eve promising to do better this next year. Sure, last year it might not have gone to plan but this year you're stronger and more motivated right?

But why don't we think about our resolutions differently? Why don't we think about the food we eat differently?!

Healthy Chocolate Baked Oatmeal Recipe - low fat, gluten free, sugar free, vegan, healthy

Food shouldn't be a chore - to eat or to create. A life of balance is a far more successful one than a life of restriction. Just look at Jesse! People ask us all the time how Jesse lost weight after moving to Australia and the answer is pretty simple; he made better choices. He ate healthier, exercised more and gave up the teeter totter diet approach he might have turned to previously. 

A healthy lifestyle is a happy one - and it's not a lifestyle without desserts or chocolate. Part of the reason we love creating recipes for the blog is because we love coming up with healthier versions of everyone's favourite recipes - proving that healthy eating doesn't have to be boring or bland....

And that's exactly why I'm giving you a recipe which allows you to eat chocolate for breakfast ;)

Healthy Chocolate Baked Oats for One Recipe - low fat, gluten free, sugar free, vegan, healthy

A healthy diet is all about balance. It's about enjoying veggies but also enjoying dessert - it's about recreating those classic favourites in a healthier but still delicious way and it's about enjoying food with friends and family with a huge smile on your face.

Sure, I could have shared a green smoothie recipe with you on this New Year's Day but I thought we'd celebrate 2015 in a more SIL way - and well, who doesn't want chocolate for breakfast?!

This Chocolate Baked Oatmeal recipe is an adaption of our Healthy Peanut Butter Cup Baked Oatmeal Recipe and can be tweaked and changed to suit whatever you fancy. I love topping mine with fresh juicy strawberries and a drizzle of cream or creme anglaise for a decadent yet healthy treat or you can add peanut butter and bananas for a chunky monkey style breakfast bonanza - the choice is yours!

So let me give you the recipe! >> 

Healthy Chocolate Baked Oats Recipe - low fat, gluten free, sugar free, vegan, healthy

Healthy Chocolate Baked Oats for One serves 1
low fat, gluten free*, refined sugar free, clean eating friendly

1/4 tsp baking powder
1 1/2 tbsp (10g) unsweetened cocoa powder
Pinch of salt
2 tbsp (30g) unsweetened applesauce
1/4 cup milk of your choice (we used almond milk)
1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
Optional: maple syrup, honey or a sweetener of your choice if you prefer things sweeter and don't like darker chocolate tasting treats.

  • Preheat your oven to 180°C/350°F
  • Lightly grease a small ramekin and set aside.
  • Mix together your oats, baking powder, cocoa, salt, applesauce, milk and vanilla (and additional sweetener if using) until combined and pour into your ramekin.
  • Bake for 20-30 minutes or until your baked oatmeal is set and firm.
  • Top with toppings of your choice (ideas below!) and devour!
Topping Ideas:
  • Strawberries and Cream; Freshly sliced strawberries with a drizzle of cream, coconut milk, creme anglaise or even whipped cream for a decadent yet healthy treat!
  • Chunky Monkey;
    Top with peanut butter/almond butter and freshly sliced banana
  • Chocolate Caramel;
    Top with our Healthy Three Ingredient Caramel Sauce or our Healthy Coconut Caramel Sauce!
  • The possibilities are endless - get creative and get topping or eat it as is!

*Find out more about Oats on a Gluten Free Diet here. If you can't tolerate oats, feel free to use quinoa flakes instead (however, the taste will be quite different and you may want to add some sweetener to avoid bitterness from the quin0a). We've also used the same amount of cooked rice which gives you a different texture but still tastes awesome!

But tell me, do you usually like to have a New Years Resolution?
And what's your favourite indulgent breakfast?


  1. Hi Kirsty,
    Is this able to be made ahead? Or is it best cooked and eaten straight away? Just curious!

  2. Chocolate for's just a normal thing that happens....EVERYDAY!

  3. Hi Martine, you can definitely make it in advance and then just heat it up or eat it cold later! We often make this up in a ramekin the night before and leave it in the fridge until we're ready to eat in the morning - or freeze the baked oatmeal after its cooled to defrost later on for a quick breakfast!

  4. Thanks for your reply Kirsty! I don't have time in the morning to make exciting breakfasts, but knowing it can be made ahead makes me super keen to try this yummy dish :-)

  5. Sorry, Kristy, not Kirsty!!!

  6. You and me both, Martine! All of our breakfast bake recipes can be made in advance as that's what we usually do! I constantly have a stack of breakfast bakes in the freezer for quick breakfasts!

  7. Picnic Locations in GurgaonJanuary 3, 2015 at 4:35 PM

    Nice post, things explained in details. Thank You.

  8. Such a fab idea :-)


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