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Sunday, December 28, 2014

Six Sentence Sunday: 28th December, 2014

After an awesome Christmas, someone in the SIL house got sick thanks to their umpteen million food intolerances and I don't think anyone would struggle with working out who that person was. 

But that doesn't matter so much as it's meant I've been super lazy for the last couple of days and enjoying some downtime with a good book!

Except last night which was full of fun as my awesome husband took me to Cirque Du Soleil's Totem as one of my Christmas presents!

I'm pretty sure I spent the majority of the show with my mouth open in awe because the performers are ridiculously talented and I could not believe some of the things they were doing!

Tonight we're getting ready to have a couple of friends over for a deeeeeeeeeeeeelicious seafood feast (for them, not for this seafood hater :P) and I'm sure plenty of good conversation too!

As Jesse's brother Josh is still here we're also headed to the Blue Mountains tomorrow (here's hoping the weather is okay to do so!) to explore and do some sightseeing.

But tell me, how has your weekend been?


  1. Its been quite chilly in the mountains so rug up

  2. Sending loving healing wishes my friend! But relaxing, and the fun you have in-store sound like the perfect remedy ;) XOXO

  3. We were very blessed with a beautiful sunny day! I packed extra layers but it seems anytime I do that, it's super hot! Haha ;P

  4. Just before a stir-fry is ready, throw in a couple of beaten eggs.

  5. Liked on Facebook!

  6. I get egg-cited to make eggs & soldiers.

  7. Egg whites make the ultimate fruit sorbet. Just the whites, frozen fruit, sugar and whip, whip, whip.

  8. I love baking a frittata, especially one with healthy ingredients and vegetables, a squash base and lots of onions and garlic.


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