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Friday, December 19, 2014

Recent Things: S'mores, Puppy Snuggles and Microwave Meringues

Recent Things in the Southern In Law World

Why hello my lovely ones! Can you believe there's just six days til Christmas?! Jesse's brother is here, we're in the final week of our Christmas Calendar, our gingerbread house is bought and waiting for us to put it together and I cannot wait for Christmas Day!

But let me tell you what we've been up to this week; 
RIP Katrina and Tori

Recent Heartache: On Monday, I was glued to the television and my phone and my heart was breaking for what was happening with the Sydney Siege. That night, I think I prayed and tossed and turned more than I slept and woke up two the news that two innocent people, Katrina and Tori, had lost their lives. 

I don't even know how to begin to comprehend what happens and my heart breaks for the families of all who were involved - but my heart is also singing after seeing how much closer Sydney has come together after what went on. We live in an incredible city, full of amazing people who really do care for one another when we need to. 

Home Grown Cucumbers from the Garden

Recent Garden Adventures; We're still harvesting more cucumbers than we can eat (even though we're eating at least one massive cucumber a day) and I am lovvvvvvvingggggggggg it. 

Homemade Gluten Free S'moresHomemade Gluten Free S'mores

Recent Advent Calendar Highlights; S'mores! I'd never actually made S'mores before with graham crackers, but I ordered some gluten free graham crackers from iHerb which were so good and making s'mores was fun but holy sugar overload! I spent the rest of the night in a sugar coma but it was so worth it ;P 

Easy No Whip Microwave Meringues

Recent Discovery; I saw a random video on Facebook this morning (which I now cannot find for the life of me) where they made meringues in the microwave and I just had to try it right away. I mixed 150g sifted icing (confectioners) sugar with 15g simply egg whites and then placed small balls of the mix onto a piece of paper towel on a microwave safe plate and then microwaved them for 1 1/2 - 2 minutes.

I was amazed when they actually worked and they were so good - no whipping needed!

Chanel and Dr Dave

Recent Chanel News: My miss Chanel got the all clear from Dr Dave after her teeth cleaning/surgery and she really is a totally different dog! Lots of you are interested in finding out more about what happened so I'm planning on sharing the full story on the blog soon. 

Trixie snuggling with Jesse

Recent Trixie News: Miss Trixie has become a total snuggle bug lately and we are loving it - all she wants to do is cuddle up on your lap and it's the sweetest thing ever <3

Oatley Park Sunshine

Recent Happiness: The sun is shining! I'm so over this cold snap we've been having lately so I was overjoyed to see the sun shining this morning!

But tell me, how has your week been?
Are you ready for Christmas?! 
I've got one last present to wrap and we're good to gooooooo!


  1. I just need to make me some vegan/gluten-free marshmallows and smores will happen! I haven't had them in YEARS. Like probably since I was 8.

  2. I would be making that my MISSION ASAP! You can't buy vegan/gluten free marshmallows? Surely you'd be able to find some at Whole Foods!


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