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Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Recipe: Easy Healthy Fried Rice for One or Two!

We've still got Christmas ham left in the fridge and by now we're totally over ham sandwiches. One of our favourite ways to use up leftover ham (and whatever leftover veggies or rice is in the fridge) is to make healthier fried rice! 

Fried rice has to be one of Jesse's favourite foods to order from Chinese restaurants, so naturally I decided I needed to come up with a healthier version to make for him. We make this using either brown or white rice as it's a great way to use up leftover rice from dinner and we often add in extra veggies when we're trying to use up what's left in the fridge.

It's a quick and simple meal that can be made for one person or two or multiplied to feed a family - the choice is yours! 

But let me share the recipe with you! >> 

Healthy Fried Rice for One or Two! serves 1 or 2
{To make it easier, the amounts for two servings are in brackets}
low fat, gluten free, clean eating friendly

1/2 egg, whisked (1 whole egg)*
1 serve cooked rice, brown or white (2 serves)
~50g chopped leg ham (~100g)
~1 tbsp eshallots/scallions/spring onions (~2 tbsp)
1 small clove garlic, crushed (1 large clove)
Optional but recommended: Whatever veggies you like! We often use broccoli, peas, corn or diced carrots.
~1 tbsp soy sauce or gluten free tamari (~2 tbsp soy sauce)
Salt and pepper, to taste
Other optional ingredients: prawn/shrimp, sliced cooked chicken breast - the choice is yours!
  • Heat a small/medium non-stick fry pan over a medium heat. 
  • If using, cook your egg in your heated pan, spraying lightly with oil spray before adding the egg if necessary. You may either scramble the egg or cook it omelette style and slice it for a more traditional fried rice. 
  • Remove your egg from the pan and set aside. 
  • Next, cook your ham with your garlic, eshallots and vegetables (if using) until your ham is lightly browned and your vegetables have just started to soften. 
  • Add in your rice and mix with your ham mixture, adding in the egg and stirring to combine all of your ingredients.
  • Add in your soy sauce and cook your rice until everything is combined and heated through.
  • Season to taste, adding a little extra soy sauce if desired. 
  • Serve immediately
*I don't like egg in my fried rice so I usually leave this out for me and keep the other half of the egg in a container in the fridge to use in a small batch of pancakes or another dinner recipe.

But tell me, are you a fried rice fan?
What's your favourite Asian dish to order?
I'm definitely a stir fry girl, however, recently I've been enjoying this fried rice with Jesse!

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