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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Recipe: Healthy Bounty Bar Chocolates

Homemade Healthy Bounty Bar Chocolate Cups Recipe - gluten free, refined sugar free, healthy, vegan, egg free, dairy free

Growing up, I hated coconut with a passion. I cringed watching my Dad eat Cherry Ripes or Bounty Bars because I felt like they were the world's worst chocolate bars as they were sickly sweet and filled with way too much gritty coconut. 

As I got older, however, coconut became something I loved - to the point where coconut became something I cravedThe rich, creaminess of coconut milk and the scent that takes you straight to the tropics - I went from a coconut hater to a certified coconut addict.

So naturally, as I had a half open can of coconut milk laying around a few weeks ago, I knew exactly what I needed to recreate. A bounty bar - but a healthier and much more delicious version than the original. 

Homemade Gluten Free Bounty Bar Chocolate Cups Recipe - gluten free, refined sugar free, healthy, vegan, egg free, dairy free

I decided on Bounty Bar Chocolate Cups as I wanted the filling to be creamy and perfectly coconutty and that was perhaps one of the best decisions I've ever made. Be warned though, you will not be able to stop at just one. 

With a rich, chocolate outer shell and creamy coconut middle - you'll find yourself heading back to the fridge for a second just moments after your last bite :P 

But it's okay, because they're healthier - and gluten free and vegan and refined sugar free - how could you say no to that?!

So on that note, let me give you the recipe!

Homemade Vegan Bounty Bar Chocolate Cups Recipe - gluten free, refined sugar free, healthy, vegan, egg free, dairy free

Healthy Bounty Bar Chocolate Cups makes 12
gluten free, vegan, no bake, dairy free, egg free, refined sugar free

For the Chocolate Shell:
6 tbsp (80g) coconut oil 
1 1/2 tbsp maple syrup
2 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 cup (40g) unsweetened cocoa powder* 
Pinch of salt 

For the Coconut Filling: 
1/2 cup (40g) shredded/desiccated coconut 
3-4 tbsp coconut milk 
1 tsp vanilla extract 
  • For this recipe, I find it easier to use either a silicone mini muffin tin or a mini muffin tin lined with paper liners (this is, in our minds, the best way as it doesn't matter if your chocolate coats every edge!) so prepare your tins and set them aside
  • In a heatproof bowl, melt your coconut oil and mix with your other ingredients.
  • Divide half of your chocolate shell mixture amongst your prepared tins and place in the freezer to set for 10-20 minutes. 
  • Once your chocolate base has set, mix together your coconut filling and spoon it into your tins. 
  • Pour your remaining chocolate shell mixture on top of your coconut filling and chill in the fridge until set (or freeze if you want them to set faster!). 
  • Once set, you're free to enjoy! You'll want to keep your Bounty Cups in the fridge or freezer as they'll start to melt once they get warmer! 

But tell me, are you a coconut fan? 
What was your favourite chocolate bar as a child - and what's your favourite chocolate treat now?
I was a bit boring as a child and only really liked Freddo Frogs (plain milk chocolate) but now I love any or all chocolate I can eat :P 


  1. I have ALWAYS loved coconut! My mom on the other hand does not...I can't understand why!

  2. Haha, I think it's one of those things you either love or hate - like cilantro!


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