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Saturday, December 27, 2014

Recipe: Boscaiola Frittata

Healthy Boscaiola Frittata Recipe - Ham, Cheese and Mushroom Frittata - low fat, gluten free, low carb, healthy, breakfast, lunch, dinner, christmas leftover recipes

If your family is anything like mine, you probably have a fridge full of Christmas leftovers right now. Whilst it's not so bad recreating your Christmas meal on boxing day for lunch or dinner, you definitely don't want to be eating the same meal over and over and over again as you try to use up what's in the fridge.

That's why I thought I'd share some simple but delicious recipes that will help you use up your Christmas leftovers whilst also creating a delicious meal!

Gluten Free Boscaiola Frittata Recipe - Ham, Cheese and Mushroom Frittata - low fat, gluten free, low carb, healthy, breakfast, lunch, dinner, christmas leftover recipes

This Ham, Cheese and Mushroom Frittata is actually known in the SIL household as a "Boscaiola Frittata" as it was inspired by one of our favourite pasta dishes. With delicious sauteed mushrooms, fresh herbs and garlic, smoky ham and parmesan cheese it's a frittata that is full of flavour and perfect for breakfast, lunch or dinner!

Whenever we're invited to a friend's house for lunch, this is often something I bring along as it's quick to whip up and transports easily. I also made a bunch of mini frittatas earlier this year before my iron infusion to freeze for a quick and easy meal as I knew I wouldn't be too keen on cooking when I felt so sick.

Best of all? You can change this recipe up to suit whatever you have in the fridge! I've made it super easy for you to make it your own by providing you with the frittata base recipe below as well as the filling, however, you  can switch up the ham, cheese and mushroom filling with whatever you fancy! We've done everything from roasted pumpkin and feta to a clean-out-the-fridge frittata with roasted capsicum, tomatoes, barbeque chicken and cheese. 

But let me give you the recipe! >> 

Low Fat Boscaiola Frittata Recipe - Ham, Cheese and Mushroom Frittata - low fat, gluten free, low carb, healthy, breakfast, lunch, dinner, christmas leftover recipes

Ham, Cheese and Mushroom Frittata aka "Boscaiola Frittata"
makes 1x 6-8" round frittata or ~20 mini frittatas, easily multiplied
low fat, gluten free, clean eating friendly 

Base Frittata: 
4 eggs
1/2 cup (120g) plain greek yogurt*

Boscaiola Frittata Filling:
1 cup (100g) chopped mushrooms
~1/2 tbsp fresh basil and parsley
1 tsp crushed garlic
~1/3 cup (50g) ham, diced/shredded
Salt and pepper, to taste
1/2 cup (50g) parmesan

Preheat your oven to 180C/355F.
Grease and/or line a medium cake tin/pie dish or mini muffin tins and set aside.
In a medium frypan, sautee your mushrooms with your herbs, garlic and ham until your mushrooms are cooked and your ham has started to brown, season to taste with salt and pepper. 
Set aside your cooked filling mix whilst you make your frittata base.
To make the base, simply combine your eggs, greek yogurt and parmesan and add in your cooked filling mix.
Pour your frittata mixture into your prepared pans and place into the oven.
For mini frittatas, you'll want to bake them for 10-20 minutes, removing once golden and cooked through.
For a larger frittata, depending on thickness, you'll want to bake it for between 20-40 minutes, removing once golden and cooked through.

*You can use reduced fat, fat free or full fat greek yogurt, the choice is yours!

But tell me, are you up to your ears in Christmas leftovers too?
What's your favourite way to use up what's in the fridge?


  1. I love scrambled eggs with cheese and loads of spring onions, then sprinkled with salt and ground black pepper and smeared with a touch of butter. So so yummy and filling!

  2. I LOVE leftovers because you can mix them all together in a frypan and just our beaten eggs over it; then roast it gently and make a big omelet out of it.

  3. I am a Facebook fan

  4. I am following on Twitter - @helga2209

  5. I love omlettes, as you can just about use anything and everything, mushroom is a huge hit, I also love the hard boiled it is, in potato salads..yum

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  8. I love making a cheap and cheerful definitely time hacked Chinese Meal for my young but huge family. It's kinda like going to a bogan restaruant, like a pub in the 1980s! First I buy a whole lot of frozen Yum Cha for starters with some sweet chilli sauce and tomato sauce for dipping, and a jar of supermarket sweet and sour sauce and add in any cheap meat I can find, make a cheap veggie curry, some left over rice with soy sauce and some frozen veggies makes a Fried Rice- not forgetting some fried eggs all chopped up, and for my finest a Chinese Egg Omlette made with at least 8 eggs to make it all go that much further and make it EGGSCELLENT! There are bowls going everywhere, heaps of laughter and so much mess but it's the best meal going!

  9. You can't 'beat' Egg's Benedict on a Sunday morning with poached eggs over smoked ham and baby spinach on a hot buttered wholemeal muffin, and drizzled with home made hollandaise sauce!

  10. I love hard boiled and then mashed with mayo add lettuce in a fresh roll and bingo the best thing ever

  11. We love to always be creative with eggs, so we are always finding creative ways like boiled eggs in a bread stick with chilli and salt and stuck in a Glass with crudites with some yoghurt, it's something different and everyone love it

  12. Liked fb, instagram and twiiter

  13. I love egg salad- boiled eggs, mayo and shallots. It is a family favourite!

  14. Liked on facebook.

  15. Chorizo, parmesan and herb omelette is a sure way to wake everyone up on the morning.

  16. Liked on Facebook :-)

  17. I love making fluffy french toast for breakfast, Simple and so delicious!

  18. Follow on FB - karina lee

  19. Follow on Twitter - charsiewbao77

  20. Follow on Instagram - charsiewbao77

  21. Scrambled eggs with milk, flour, salt and pepper

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  24. Fried Eggs and Bacon are a family favourite.

  25. I am hopeless at making omelets, but I certainly do love them. This Breville Omelet maker would certainly help make my meal super eggsselent

  26. We have chickens, and when I have an abundance of eggs I find that vege quiches are a great way to use them up. Add 5 whisked eggs to 1/2 cup milk, pour over chopped left over roast veges, and bake for 40 minutes!

  27. Like and commented on FB!

  28. scramble up a storm with eggs, cream, cheese and a lotta love

  29. 'Frittata' is my saviour. Simple, popular and cheap. I use up extra vegetables, excess eggs and left overs and it always works!.

  30. Liked on Facebook too.

  31. Scrambled eggs! -easy to prepare and so nutritious! ~Add orange juice, instead of milk! -Even more delicious!

  32. Just love a free style omelette for dinner what's ever is left over in the fridge goes in always a hit with the kids.

  33. With military husband serving overseas I like a soft boiled egg with 'soldiers'. Reminds me that I love nutritious tasty eggs and my delicious tasty man!

  34. Loved and shared on Facebook!

  35. I love Eggs Benedict.

  36. Before my Southern love came here, i was eating plain old scrambled eggs, but he introduced me to his Egg Bake which essentially throws in all he can and I love it

  37. Facebook liker already also Twitter and Instagram..

  38. Scrambled eggs with tomato relish is simply ‘lick my plate
    clean’ yumminess in our household!

  39. Liked on Facebook :)

  40. eggs baked in homegrown tomatoes!

  41. start with my own eggs from homegrown chooks!, best way made is good traditional french toast, homemade bread soaked with canary yellow goodness, and lashings of tasty butter, with a pitter patter of sugar sprinkles, makes a eggsellent & tasty lazy day brunch....

  42. A frittata is so versatile to eat for any meal. It's very delicious, healthy and nutritious with lots of sweet potato and seasonal vegetables!

  43. liked on facebook

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  45. I love nothing better than making Zucchini Slice, so healthy and good for you with eggcellent nutrition...

  46. If you have lovely free-range eggs in your fridge, you've always got a quick, healthy and nutritious meal in minutes: French Toast is divine any time of the day.

  47. I'm no eggspert at cooking...but my fave way to make an eggscellent meal is to crack open some eggs and crack open some wine!

  48. I eggerly add just about anything to scrambled eggs to create a new, eggciting and eggonomical dinner delight! Coming up with a meal to feed 6 that doesn't crack my budget, is always EGGSCELLENT!

  49. Hi! I'm following you on Twitter and Instagram and have visited/commented on your FB page! Thanks for the great competition!XOX.

  50. I like the simple things in life. A pinch of Chilli make my eggs eggscellent!

  51. Love poached eggs on vegemite toast with avocado slices for an eggscellent low GI meal!

  52. follower on twitter kelryan83

  53. My eggscellent delicious meal,
    That I cook whenever I feel,
    Is my mum’s Zucchini Slice.
    It’s so healthy, yummy and nice!
    My whole family gobbles it down,
    And not a scrap is left to be found!

  54. liked on facebook!

  55. For a quick and tasty breakfast cut a large avacado in half and remove the seed.In the hollow of each avacado half crack an egg (you may have to make the hollow a little larger) and bake in a moderate oven until the egg is cooked . For variety add shredded bacon before cooking or a little salsa for a more spicy flavour.

  56. Eggs don't just make a eggscellent everyday meal they can also make an impressive entertaining dish. For me its all about putting the devil in the detail serving appetisers of feta and sun-dried tomato devilled eggs.

  57. Following on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook

  58. I STARt by using natural ingredients that run RINGS around processed food, create a spEGGtactularly tasty treat like a frittata, then enjoy this nutritious meal with friends in a TIMEly manner

  59. My family love our omelettes and most week we fire up the pan and the omelette bar and we create our own tasty treats filled with our favourite fillings. Healthy, great and delicious.

  60. my family love my cooking and would love this for breakfast

  61. Ham and cheese omelette - filling and nutritious!

  62. liked on Facebook

  63. Nothing is better for any meal of the day then bacon and eggs.

  64. Being the Paleo family we are eggs are a mainstay. Our newest fave is Egg Bread served with boiled eggs nom nom nom

  65. As far as I am concerned the most eggselent dinner is scrambled eggs, lashings of cream and smoked salmon. Simple, easy and fabulously tasty.

  66. and followed on instagram (also azp74)

  67. Good me loves scrambled eggs with mushrooms and onion on sourdough bread ...naughty me loves Scotch Eggs... mmm...wicked fried deliciousness!

  68. Have liked and commented on FB :)

  69. Impossible Pie is my 'eggscellent' meal,
    A bric-a-brac of foods from asparagus to veal,
    United together with Australian eggs,
    Served hot or cold,
    A slice or a wedge.

  70. Liked on Facebook

  71. Eggs Benedict, it's my luxury treat I can't resist, it's always on my bucket list.

  72. quiche is an eggscellent meal. enjoy it hot, cold for brekky or for tea. spice it up or have it plain the meal to have when the kids are driving you insane

  73. My chocolate mousse cake would make any vegan crack.
    With its meringue base and fluffy filling, you'll be egging on back.
    It's the ova-eggdulgance for any egg-loving foodie.
    But if you take the last piece, you'll see this hen go broody.

  74. Liked on FB :-)

  75. I make yummy fluffy pavlova with my egg whites and creamy icecream with my egg yolks. Yummy and fresh especially in summer

  76. I love to fry my eggs for my family because we all need to start the day sunny side up!

  77. I love making berry omlettes. Its a great breakfast, just whisk the eggs and place in a small pan with a little coconut oil and sprinkle with mixed berries - yum

  78. Eggs are Eggscellent Morning, Noon and Night. They pack a punch of protein and vitamins into all our meals. We add them to our meals whenever we can

  79. Facebook and Twitter Likes

  80. An eggscellent meal is one packed with fresh flavours so my toungue purrs as it tastes the delicate flavours exploding in my mouth. MMMM

  81. I love mixing eggs and bananas to make healthy and delicious pancakes for breakfast! It's always a favourite for breakfast!

  82. Liked on Facebook!

  83. Herbs and spice,a meal to entice.


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