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Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Killer 10 Minute Ab Workout

One thing I look forward to most days is working out with my awesome husband! Whilst we generally do HasFit videos/programs, I also like to come up with our own little workouts to tailor it to our needs - so here's one killer ab workout we put together!

Above you'll find links to a video of each exercise in case you're not sure what we're talking about! The best thing about a workout like this is that you can tailor it to suit you - go as fast or as slow as you need to, but do try to push yourself a little! Sometimes it's just our brains that think we can't do something - but don't push yourself to the point of injury!

We mix this up with HIIT, Strength and Cardio workouts to make sure we're hitting every part of your body - but this workout will certainly kick your butt abs? I hate ab workouts at times; but they're so worth it when I see how toned my stomach is getting because of them!

*Note: You don't need to use dumbbells for this exercise, however, if you have them and want to add intensity feel free to add them in! We usually do to add an element of strength training to our workout!

But tell me, what's your workout of choice?
Are you more into cardio or strength training? Do you workout alone or with friends/loved ones/in groups?
And are you an ab workout fan?


  1. I'm a huge fan of at-home workouts. I prefer to work out alone or with a partner rather than a large class. My favorite ways to get in some exercise at home are to follow along to workout videos I find online--I have a whole pinterest board of my favorites! I will usually just try to do 2-3 videos in an evening to vary things up. :)

  2. Variety is the spice of life! I'm going to have to find this pinterest board of yours! xx

  3. Haha, I had to laugh when I saw this! You NEVER post workout stuff ;)
    I have a whole 30-40 minute core routine I do to start my morning right when I hop out of bed everyday. I'm the core/an master, planks for days!


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