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Sunday, August 24, 2014

Six Sentence Sunday: 24th August 2014

The internet has seriously been hating on me lately and not letting me do anything that I want to (read: post recipes!)

Today was leg day for Jesse and I and we are certainly feeling it ;P 

I've been working on a little project this afternoon for an upcoming post with The Reject Shop and it's kinda sorta adorkable ;)

I've got some bananas in the fruit bowl that are almost perfectly ripe (aka: brown as can be) and ready to make banana bread tomorrow.

Yesterday was my three year gluten free-versary and I cannot believe I've gone three years without eating gluten seeing as I started eating gluten free as a temporary measure but then found out I was a coeliac!

And three years later.... I still want a croissant (and not a gross gluten free croissant either ;P) #glutenfreeproblems

But tell me, what have you been up to this weekend?
What's one thing you've been craving lately?
For me it's strawberries, strawberries and more strawberries - and hummus. I can't stop won't stop eating hummus (finally after not being able to eat it after eating hummus twice a day for two weeks straight in Louisiana as it was one of the few things I could eat, haha)

1 comment:

  1. I think I'm going to try this but add some zuchinni and see how it goes!! Wish me luck!


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