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Sunday, August 17, 2014

Six Sentence Sunday: 17th August 2014

I had biggggg plans for an awesome recipe roundup post of all of our favourite SIL recipes yesterday and then our internet decided it was going to go out for almost the entire day and then come back on five seconds before I had guests arrived #buhbow. 

We had a bunch of our friends over last night for dinner and had an awesome night and realised just how blessed we are with incredible friends and family. 

I also realised last night that I'm definitely more of a dessert fan than a savoury fan - eating just a little bit of dinner and having some of every gluten free dessert available instead ;P 

Rain is definitely not my friend - it's cold, soggy and stops me going for my beloved walks so we're definitely not on speaking terms right now. 

Jesse are I are planning to get right back into our workouts now that I'm full of energy again and feeling better and we actually have some time to work out!

I'm heading to church this morning with leftover cupcakes and bags under my eyes from not enough sleep - when's bed?!

But tell me, how has your weekend been?
And do you prefer sweet or savoury foods?

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