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Sunday, August 3, 2014

Six Sentence Sunday: 03 August 2014

I'm flying solo at Church this morning whilst my poor husband is stuck in bed with a combination of the flu and food poisoning (and no, I didn't poison him! He went out to eat at a restaurant last night!)

I've been feeling like I was going to come down with the flu for the last two weeks and it's finally hit me now that I've slowed down a tiny bit.

This week is going to be busy, busy, busy so I'm hoping this flu doesn't hit me too hard and try to slow me down!

My birthday is nine days away and we've decided to have friends over for a "Favourite Things" party/get together where everyone brings their favourite dish along - I can not wait to see what everyone brings and hopefully share some of our friends' favourite recipes with you guys!

Jesse and I are currently addicted to this granola and have been having it for breakfast every single morning. 

Oh and in other brilliant news - I've ticked another food intolerance off the list as I can now eat strawberries!!!

But tell me, how has your weekend been?
What food are you currently obsessed with?
For me it has to be strawberries and that granola ;P
And what are your never-fail flu remedies?

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