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Friday, August 8, 2014

Recent Things: Strawberry Addictions, Homemade Treats and Cookie Fever Continues

Well hey there! It's Friday again, which kind of means nothing for the perpetually busy but at least it's the weekend!!! 

My birthday is just four days away and this weekend we're going Go-Karting with some friends for "our" combined birthday celebration. Not sure I'm too keen on go-karting but we'll see... I am fiercely competitive so it could be fun! ;) 

This week has been crazy with work and I've been all over Sydney with meetings, running training courses and the like whilst Jesse has been in Canberra/Southern NSW for work.

But enough of that, let's have a look at what we've been loving recently >> 

Fresh Australian Strawberries

Recent Addiction: Strawberries, strawberries, strawberries and anything remotely related to strawberries. You see, for the last hmmm 3 years my stomach has hated strawberries (in addition to a million other foods thanks to gluten damage) but FINALLLLLLLLLLLY I can eat these sweet little beauties once again.

Jesse would tell you I've been eating too many strawberries for someone who hasn't been able to eat them for three years but I don't think there's such a thing as too many ;P I've been eating at least half a punnet every day ;P 

Udi's Vanilla Granola

Recent Breakfast of Choice: This Udi's Vanilla Granola is seriousssssssslyyyy delicious. To the point where I made Jesse homemade granola so he'd stop eating this :P If you haven't tried it - go buy some ASAP. Thank goodness iHerb stocks it so I can keep on buying it in Australia :P 

It's not too sweet like some granolas and it's the perfect balance of honey and vanilla flavours with crunchy oats and almonds. 

Homemade Stamp for Gifts - Customised Made with Love Stamp for the Home Baker

Recent Deliveries: This Southern In-Law "Made with Love" stamp. You see, my friends, the problem with designing a whole range of different printables and products for my clients is that I also feel the need to buy said products for myself - so when I recently ordered a bunch of custom design stamps (made by yours truly) for a client, I also ordered a stamp which I designed for myself. I love sharing baked goods and treats with our friends so this was totally a necessary purchase... right? ;) 

This is a batch of homemade granola for one of our sweet friends who I know doesn't have time to make granola for herself but can never find granola that she likes in stores - Kristy to the rescue! 

I also designed little note cards which I can write on and put in Jesse's lunchbox because I'm a dorky wife :P 

All You Need Is A Little Bit of Coffee and a Whole Lot of Jesus Mug

Recent Drink of Choice: Hazelnut Lattes. Made in our coffee machine with a drizzle of hazelnut coffee syrup (definitely not those nasty sugar free syrups, girlfriend needs the real deal). Hellllllllloooo heaven. In my favourite coffee cup of course :)

Raw Snow Peas - Healthy Snack Ideas

Recent Discovery: I also found out I can eat snow peas again and I am obsessed. I don't think I ever really liked snow peas that much as I only ever ate them cooked in stir fries - but good golly they're delicious raw. I don't even want to know how many I've eaten this week as I just keep grabbing a handful from the fridge ;P 

Healthy Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies

Recent Recipe Success: I've been experimenting with more peanut flour recipes lately as one of my beautiful friends from church, Ali, bought herself some and was asking me for suggestions on how to use it. I reaaaaaallly wanted to come up with a healthier peanut butter cookie recipe and boy oh boy oh boy did I do it. These are ridiculously good and I'll be sharing the recipe with you very very soon. 

It was kinda of good that Jesse went away yesterday as it meant I got to eat the last two cookies :P 

If you missed some posts this week, don't worry! Here's what's been happening on the blog lately (including some posts from last week as I didn't post a recent things post!);

Healthy Gluten Free Banana Chocolate Chip Breakfast Bake Recipe

Healthy Nutella Raw Bites Recipe

Healthy Apple Walnut Muffins Recipe

Homemade Healthy Chicken Noodle Soup

SIL Sisters in Christ Online Women's Ministry

Healthy Banana Cottage Cheese Pancakes Recipe

But tell me, how has your week been?
What's your breakfast of choice this week and what foods have you been loving?
And are there any recipes you'd like me to work on?

And don't worry, I'm hoping to get lots of baking in this weekend and next week - I'm thinking more healthy donut recipes, perhaps a delicious birthday cake and lots of different treats to share with you guys <3


  1. Sounds like a busy week! I have been LOVING the new Sanitarium GF weet bix. Tastes just like i remember, sooo yummy!!! Victoria :)

  2. Oh I am SO glad you said those weetbix are good - we have a pack in the cupboard, however, I haven't been game to try them yet as I didn't want to be disappointed! Haha ;)

  3. Haha i waited too as i wasn't sure how i'd go with that grain, as i hadn't had that before. But all good, and they taste soooo good!!! :)


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