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Friday, August 15, 2014

Recent Things: Birthday Treats, Delicious Eats and Foggy Mornings

Recent Things August 15th 2014

Well hey! This week flewwwwwwwwwwwwww by and birthday week has come and almost gone. I'm having a bunch of friends over on Saturday night for a "favourite things" celebration where everyone brings along their favourite dish and I can not wait. 

I think Jesse and I have almost caught up since being away so we're not so headless chook-like this week and actually had some time to relax and enjoy ourselves on my birthday!

But let me tell you about our week (and some seriously delicious birthday eats) >> 

Homemade Honey Vanilla Granola with Bananas and Yogurt

Recent Breakfast Faves: We always love breakfast - but this week we've been eating some deeeeeeeeeeeeeelicious breakfast which have us looking forward to breakfast even more. Last week I showed you that I'd packaged up some granola for a lovely friend of ours - but I also had two big jars for the family to eat as well and they have been loving it. 

Our friend, Maz, who I gave the granola to thinks that I need to start selling it - but Jesse thinks that would just mean less granola for him ;) Jesse's been having it every day for breakfast with yogurt and sliced banana and my Dad and Sister have been enjoying it the same way too. 

Strawberry Shortcake Breakfast Bake My favourite breakfast this week would have to be my birthday breakfast!

We called it a Strawberry Shortcake Breakfast Bake and it was made up of a fluffy vanilla ricotta breakfast bake base, topped with vanilla cream cheese and then loaded with fresh juicy strawberries.

It was so good that I had it three days in a row. Usually I switch up my breakfasts so I have something different every day - but this was just way too good to pass up!

Jesse racing at C1 Speed

Recent Fun Times (for Jesse): On Saturday we went Go Kart racing to celebrate our friends, Tom and Mel's, birthday, my birthday and my Dad's birthday. I wasn't feeling well at all (I was dizzy and sleepy with the flu) so I skipped out on racing but Jesse had an absolute blast. We went to C1 Speed at Albion Park which was a little pricey, but all of those type of things are! 

Shopping at Birkenhead Point

Recent Fun Times (for Kristy): Tuesday was my birthday and Jesse had the day off so he took me shopping over at Birkenhead Point. Usually when Jesse says he's going to buy me things I can never find anything that I like - but this time we scored big! We returned home with plenty of bags in tow with lots of new clothes and pjs, some cute new tea cups, a couple of cake tins and baking bits and pieces and even a new beanie for Jesse. Valleygirl is one of the few stores that (used to) stock my size so that's where I always head to, but unfortunately they've just stopped stocking size 6 which is a bummer for me - but luckily I can get away with size 8 in some pieces! 

Foggy Mornings at Oatley Park

Recent Sights: On Saturday morning my usual morning walk was verrrrrrrry different! It was super foggy so I walked not being able to see more than 50 metres in front of me.

Skinny Coffee Cheesecake

Recent Deliciousness: This Cheesecake. Wow oh wow oh wow. This year I didn't feel like cake for my birthday so I decided to make a Secretly Skinny Coffee Cheesecake with a Chocolate Cookie Base and it may just be one of the best things I've ever made. 

Cheesy Quinoa Stuffed Mushrooms

Prawn SpaghettiRecent Dinner Favourites: Cheesy Quinoa Stuffed Mushrooms! We have a new Woolworths near our house that always has my favourite portabella mushrooms in stock so I've been taking advantage of that.

I also picked up some prawns for Jesse whilst I was at Woolworths this week so I could make him something special for dinner (on my birthday - my family think it's odd that I'm more concerned with making Jesse a nice dinner on my birthday than I am making one for myself - but hey! He'd spent all day spoiling me!) so I decided to make him a prawn pasta dish. It was a huge success so I'll have to share the recipe with you soon!
Kmart Make Room for Colour

Recent Browsing: It's no secret that Jesse and I loveeee Kmart and this week, our friends at Kmart sent us the latest Kmart Living Lookbook and now we're wishing we could redecorate the whole house! There is so much good at Kmart right now! We're going to head to our local Kmart to pick up some things soon - I'm thinking this Chalkboard would make a great prayer board for our room and Jesse really wants this Stag Clock.

Zespri Sungold Kiwi Fruit

Recent Foodie Fave: This week we've been loving Zespri Sungold Kiwi Fruits. We've had the flu so these Kiwis were the perfect choice as they have THREE times the vitamin C of oranges and are full of other essential vitamins and minerals that have been scientifically proven to boost immunity and vitality. But it's not just the health benefits - they taste really, really good! The SunGold variety is sweeter than the green variety and they're a little less tangy and hairy too ;P We picked ours up at Woolworths!

click on the images to open the posts!

But tell me, what's the best meal you've eaten recently?
And what is the best thing you've done/had happen this week?


  1. Sounds like a fun filled week!! My favourite part of the week was my best friends daughters 1st birthday - so much fun! I'm in the same boat as you with clothing sizes - Target now starts at a size 4! Great items at affordable prices, so worth trying. Victoria :)

  2. It was definitely a fun filled week! Ooh, I'll have to take a look at Target - I never bothered looking at their clothes as they never stocked my size or they were way too short (#tallgirlproblems :P)


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