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Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Happy Birthday to Me!

I don't know about you.... 
But I'm feeling twenty two! 
That's right, today is my birthday! 

And in true Kristy fashion, I started my birthday with cake a breakfast bake... the most incredible breakfast bake I think I've ever had actually! I'll have to share the recipe with you soon - it was a fluffy Vanilla Ricotta Breakfast Bake, topped with strawberries and vanilla cream cheese "frosting" and tasted justttttt like a Strawberry Shortcake. 

It's breakfasts like that where I feel like the healthy living queen ;) 

Today my lovely husband is taking me shopping and then we may be heading out to see a movie - but not before devouring my birthday dessert! This year it's a last minute creation that is seriously, ridiculously good - Coffee Cheesecake with a Chocolate Cookie Base.... and it's healthy... and yes, I'll share the recipe with you very very soon, loves! 

This year, I'm most thankful for; my husband who always goes above and beyond to make me smile, my family and my incredible friends (many of whom may as well be family), my beautiful puppy, this blog that brings me so much joy, my business, my God, our church, my ability to create delicious healthy recipes (because I get to have breakfasts and desserts like the ones above!), having a safe place to call home and being able to express myself freely without fear of persecution. There are SO many things I am thankful for! I'm really thankful for you too, because you take the time to read the blog so I'm not just here blabbing to myself ;) 

But tell me, how do you like to celebrate your birthday?
Do you have any birthday traditions?
And what's your birthday dessert/cake of choice?
For the last couple of years, I've always had this Healthy Chocolate Cake as my birthday cake of choice but this year I wanted something different as I'll be having the cake on Saturday for my party. As for birthday traditions? I always have a special birthday breakfast (see here) and we usually either have a movie day or head out shopping for the day. 

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