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Sunday, July 27, 2014

Six Sentence Sunday: 27 July 2014

I reaaallyyy wanted to post a recipe yesterday, but as our only day off until next Saturday (which is going to be busy!), I decided it was more important to spend time with my husband and Supernatural.

Everyone thinks it's silly and somewhat childish, but I loveeeeeeeee surprising Jesse with little treats here and there because he is so thankful for them - this week it was some mini German Chocolates he tried at our bible study group and loved.

We had a lovely morning at Church this morning and I'm just about to head back for a meeting with our Women's Ministry group!

I have one more week of nannying and then I'm back to real work before birthday season!

My Dad's Birthday, my birthday and one of our family friends, Mel's, birthday are all within a three week period so we're going go-carting and then out for icecream as a combined birthday celebration!

I'm currently thinking up birthday party ideas for myself just so that I have an excuse to get all of my friends together - as our potluck get togethers have been a huge success in the past we're currently thinking of either a dessert party or a "favourite things" party where everyone brings along their absolute favourite recipe.

But tell me, how has your weekend been? 
What is your absolute favourite recipe that you make?
And how do you like to celebrate your birthday?


  1. I think that is so sweet that you give him little treats! It keeps the love alive ;) Haha!

    Yay for birthdays! How fun! On my mom's side of the family, my grandpa, aunts, and uncle all have their 4 birthdays within 2 or 3 weeks of each other too!

  2. I love the little treats idea! It's not silly or childish at all :)

    And planning a birthday sounds like so much fun. I love the potluck idea. My weekend has been terribly busy, but there's been lots of fun in between! As for how I like to celebrate my birthday- simply! Just a few friends. Usually I go on roadtrip with some of my friends. This year I think we're going to ACL in Ausitn, so that'll be fun! xx

  3. A road trip sounds like so much fun! Jesse and I want to plan a road trip later this year when we have some time off as we've never been on one together!

  4. That sounds much like my family - and our friends too!

  5. I like this way of recording, try to write this here


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