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Tuesday, July 8, 2014

#SILintheSouth An Adventurous Day in Louisiana

An Adventurous Day in Louisiana

Well hey, loves! We've had quite an adventurous day today and I drove a car for the first time ever - and then drove twice more! Needless to say, I've got lots to share with you today!

Valentine Lake Alexandria Louisiana USA

We woke up this morning with no real plans. I woke up, ate breakfast and showered whilst I waited to Jesse to wake up and then snuggled with my nieces whilst watching TV on the couch so Jesse could get ready. 

Josh was still asleep so we decided to head to the lake so I could take some pictures - first we went to Valentine Lake which was about 1/2 an hour away from Jesse's Mom's house.

Valentine Lake Alexandria Louisiana USA

Today was the perfect day to head to the lake - it wasn't too hot or humid and the sky was blue! Valentine Lake isn't exactly a swimming lake so it wasn't busy - there was only one couple on the other side of the lake soaking up the sunshine on some camping chairs.

Valentine Lake Alexandria Louisiana USA

I was happy as a clam outside in the sunshine untilllllllllll Jesse said "oh by the way, there are heaps of snakes and alligators here". Not the right thing to say to this scaredy cat. I then told Jesse I wanted to go back to the car and I watched every footstep I took and jumped at every little noise. 

Kristy's first time behind the wheel

But I didn't get out of it so easy. Jesse has been desperate to teach me how to drive as I've never gotten behind the wheel - so he told me I needed to try it out whilst we were in the middle of nowhere - first I drove around a big ol' tree and back to where we started and then I drove on the actual road for a couple of miles (and had a few trucks pass me!). 

It was actually way easier then I thought - and then this afternoon I drove around Jesse's Mom's house so I could try out turning sharp corners. I did way better than I expected and than Jesse expected but I'm still not too keen on driving ;P I do need to drive though so I guess this needs to be my start!

Walking around Forest Hill LA

This evening I used my favourite mode of transport - my feet. I went walking with my eldest niece around Jesse's Mom's house and she's already asking if we can walk when we wake up tomorrow morning. It's nice being outside with them and being active instead of being stuck inside watching tv - kids need to move!

A possum in Forest Hill LA

When we got back, we discovered a new house guest... well, luckily this guy was outside! Inside the bin that had been emptied that morning was a little baby possum. Jesse's Mom took him out to the forest and let him go as he was stuck inside the bin and looked really scared. The possums here are much different to the ones we have at home so it was cool to see one up close!

Love Grown Foods Hot OatsAmerican readers, I know you've found our favourite US food finds interesting as you're able to go out and buy them yourselves!

At the moment I'm currently OBSEEEEEEEESSSEEEEDDD with Love Grown Food's Hot Oats. They're perfect for traveling and absoluteeeeeeely ridiculously delicious. I need a lifetime supply because they're so so good!! They can't make a single bad thing, I swear!

Easy Wedding's Wedding of the Year CompetitionAlso, in other exciting news - we've been nominated for Easy Weddings Wedding of the Year 2014! We're so excited to even be considered for wedding of the year!

All you have to do to vote for us is click vote on this nomination page - you don't have to sign up or anything! It's just a single click.

If you want to help us out even more, you can also share the page by using one of the share buttons below the vote button - if we win, not only would our beautiful wedding photographer Lucie Zeka get her work featured, we could win a trip to Fiji!
But tell me, when did you learn how to drive a car?
Would you rather be indoor or outdoors?
And what are some of your current food obsessions?
I'm definitely an outdoor girl - I hate being stuck inside!


  1. I would be the same as you when it came to alligators! The most dangerous animal we have in the UK is probably a bee. Haha!

  2. I've voted for you. There are some beautiful pictures of your wedding. :)

  3. Congrwts on the nomination! How exciting!!!
    P.S. Get that drivers license asap ;)

  4. Haha! My niece got stung by a wasp yesterday so now I have to worry about those too!


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