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Friday, July 18, 2014

Recent Things: Cookies, Salads and Our Favourite US Buys

See what Kristy and Jesse have been up to since getting back from their Louisiana Trip!

Well hey! It's Friday already. This week has flown by because it's kind of only been a half week for us. Both Jesse and I started straight back into work - no rest for the wicked! ;) 

But let me tell you about what we've been loving and doing recently...

All I Need is a little bit of Coffee and a whole lot of Jesus Mug

Recent re-kindled love; Coffffeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Oh how I missed my coffee machine - and my favourite mug (which you can get here or here). I had instant coffee sachets whilst we were away but they're just not the same as my coffee machine or freshly ground coffee. Heaveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen

Caramel, Almond and Sea Salt KIND Bar Review

Recent obsession; Caramel, Almond and Sea Salt and Dark Chocolate Mocha Almond KIND Bars. Heeeellloooo heaven. These are the perfect sweet treat - crunchy, chewy, sweet, slightly salty and just allover delicious. Australia needs KIND bars, stat. 

Funny InSky Catalogue Buys

Recent laughs; We always love reading the InSky catalogues when we're traveling. On our American Eagle flight from Alexandria to Dallas we found some pretty good buys - Skeleton Gnomes, a Combi Tent, a bookshelf table and even a voice activated R2-D2

Slo-Poke Caramel Candy Gluten Free

Recent treat; One day whilst in Louisiana, Jesse and I were bored so we went "shopping" at the local dollar general. We ended up picking up a bunch of different candy to bring home and these Slo-Pokes were one of the three gluten free candies I bought home. They're seriously good and I can't remember the last time I ate chewy caramels!

Drinking Jar from Dollar General

Recent drink of choice; Water, water and more water. I don't know if it's jetlag or my iron levels are low again but I've been feeling really dehydrated so I've been drinking copious amounts of water. This drinking jar was a bit of a joke pick up on our dollar general shopping trip but I'm actually loving it because it holds so much! Now my joke gift turned success is making me feel like a hipster though.... haha.

Ham, Haloumi and Avocado Salad

Recent deliciousness; Yesterday I'd ran out of gluten free bread so I threw together a random salad for lunch. Holyyyyy yum! Ham, grilled haloumi, avocado, cos lettuce and cucumbers were thrown into the mix along with some Trader Joe's plantain chips (which are seriously good - post iron infusion I've gone from a chip hater to a chip lover thanks to my tastes changing)

Healthy Chocolate Chip Cookies

Recent baking; Yesterday I promised my lovely husband a batch of Secretly Skinny Chocolate Chip Cookies and of course I delivered. They're ridiculously good - even though this batch was slightly undercooked as I was rushing to get back to work things (but we happen to like undercooked doughy cookies anyway!)

Missed out on a post lately? Here's what you might have missed!

But tell me, what have you been up to recently?
What are your favourite recent eats/adventures/reads/loves?


  1. O my gosh! I just found come soy free Kind bars I can have! But you've got to try them frozen! Just pop them in the freezer for a few hours and then u have heaven! So good!

  2. I was ravenous the other day as I didn't have time to eat before work. Usually in those circumstances I'll run over to Coles and grab a protein bar (although usually I think I'd have been bettee off with a Mars bar). Anyway, yesterday I discovered The Bar Counter range and I tried two of the bars - a date, almond, and chia one, and a chocolate brownie. They were both really delicious and probably the best packaged health foody bars I've had. They're gluten free too. :)
    Hopefully some there that you can try Kristy! :)

  3. I have tried the Bar Counter Range - they're so good (although a little pricey!) I love that Coles and Woolworths always have new healthy products popping up in store!


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