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Monday, June 2, 2014

Recipe: Roasted Mushroom Polenta

Healthy Polenta with Roasted Mushrooms Recipe - gluten free, healthy, low fat, vegan

It's now officially winter in Australia and yesterday our weather definitely showed it. Our Autumn days have been almost spring like with warm temperatures and fresh nights but now? Winter has definitely arrived. 

When it's cold, I'm colder so I tend to only want to eat hot foods - soups, oatmeal, anything that will warm me up from the inside out. This was one of my random creations on a night where I was feeling super cold and I've been making it again and again ever since. 

Healthy Roasted Mushroom Polenta Recipe - gluten free, healthy, low fat, veganI used to loathe mushrooms when I was a kid, but now they're something I crave.

Jesse thinks it's hilarious because he'll sometimes find me in the kitchen, hovering over the oven, waiting for mushrooms to finish roasting so I can devour them... but truth be known, only half of said mushrooms actually make it out of the oven for more than 2 seconds because I tend to eat them straight off the tray (guilty as charged)

This recipe is totally adaptable to your tastes - I love garlic and herbs so I like to add in lots of both but you might prefer simply using roasted mushrooms with olive oil - use the recipe as a guide, not a rulebook!

I eat this as a meat free main, however, you can easily use it as a side dish for two!

But let me give you the recipe! >> 

Healthy Roasted Mushroom Polenta Recipe - gluten free, healthy, low fat, vegan

Roasted Mushroom Polenta Recipe serves 1-2, easily multiplied 
gluten free, low fat, clean eating friendly, vegan option

1/3 cup (50g) gluten free polenta 
1 cup mushrooms, sliced 
1 clove garlic, crushed 
1 drizzle of olive oil (optional*)
A sprinkle of freshly chopped basil and parsley
2 tbsp parmesan cheese (optional)
1 tsp butter/butter spread
A handful of baby spinach leaves
Salt and pepper/seasonings to taste 

Preheat your oven to 200°C/390°F and line a baking sheet with baking paper
Mix together your mushrooms, garlic, herbs, seasonings and olive oil (if using) and place onto your baking sheet.
Roast your mushrooms until soft and flavoursome and remove from the oven.
Just before your mushrooms have finished cooking, cook your polenta in a small saucepan over medium heat (I tend to use about a cup of water, cooking and stirring until the polenta reaches my desired consistency) and season to taste. 
Pour your polenta onto your serving dish.
In a small frypan or saucepan, melt your butter and add in your baby spinach leaves and roasted mushrooms and stir over a medium-high heat until your spinach leaves are melted. Add additional seasonings if desired and pour your mushroom mixture on top of your polenta. 
Top with parmesan cheese and serve immediately!

*I can't eat olive oil so I leave this out and have had no problems whatsoever! It's up to you whether you want to use it or not.

But tell me, what's a food you once hated but now love? 
And what are your favourite winter meals?


  1. I was the same with mushrooms! Now I can't get enough of them, and they are extra tasty when roasted. Sometimes I pair roasted mushrooms and hummus for a light and tasty dinner :)
    I also love polenta, but I haven't made it for myself in ages. We are still on the warmer side up here in Brisbane, but you can be sure that when the temperature drops that this recipe will be coming out of my kitchen! Thanks Kristy :)

  2. Oh you lucky duck! I might have to come to Brisbane haha ;P

    Mushrooms and hummus are one of my favourite combinations! Actually.. hummus and anything haha

  3. This looks so delicious! Can't wait to try it!!

  4. It certainly is delicious! Let me know what you think!


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