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Sunday, May 18, 2014

Six Sentence Sunday: 18 May 2014

Our "Super Fun Time" event at our church yesterday was a huge success and we estimated that over five hundred people came through the doors.

I was uber proud of Jesse who was in charge of the big screen video games and managed to keep everything under control and keep all of the kids passing through happy for 2 and a bit hours of games on his own (even six months ago he never would have done that!)

I am so lucky to have a husband who I can share my faith with because, as well as growing our relationship over the years, we've also been able to strengthen and grow our faith together whilst serving God. 

My sister did an incredible job yesterday helping out with the face painting at super fun time - she is so talented and I know that is the kind of thing she needs to be doing as she brings so much joy to kids through her work! 

The weather was perfect yesterday (and even warm!) and today it's chilly and has made me realise that winter is definitely on its way. 

Time really does fly and I can't believe that we're already in the middle of May! 

But I'd love to know, how has your weekend been? 
Give me a glimpse into your world with a couple of your own sentences!


  1. Confused because mine came out slightly green with the texture of a sponge.......................

  2. Kristy @ Southern In-LawMay 19, 2014 at 7:21 AM

    Now that is very odd! When you say sponge, do you mean light and fluffy like a sponge cake - or dense and gross?

    What ingredient choices did you use? (Wholewheat/gluten free flours etc) and have you used the cocoa powder you used before?

  3. Hi Kristy, I don't actually know if sweetened exists, I'm just at a loss as to why it did not carmelize or thicken. I'm in Canada and used an organic canned coconut milk. The sauce pan I used was quite small in comparison to the one you show. Really unsure why you and others had no issues. Hoping you can help problem solve - cheers!

  4. Kristy @ Southern In-LawMay 20, 2014 at 2:15 PM

    Hi Tammy, we just tried making it again yesterday and it worked perfectly - we used both full fat and low fat coconut milk, however, we did use a bigger pan so that may be the key to success.

    I also think heat has a lot to do with it as you want the heat to be quite high to get the caramel to caramelise. What heat setting were you using?

  5. Hi again! Thanks so much for troubleshooting with me, we may be getting closer to the answer. I only used medium heat as it boiled over at the higher temps BUT this may be solved with a bigger pan I'm thinking. I'm still using the sauce as the flavor is good so when I retry, I'll let you know the result. Cheers, Tammy

  6. Kristy @ Southern In-LawMay 21, 2014 at 5:08 PM

    My pleasure, Tammy! I definitely think the larger pan is key - I've just changed the recipe to suggest that!

  7. Hi Kirsty, the first time I tried this recipe it worked perfectly! And I couldn't stop myself from eating it... I tried it for a second time - but I used a different coconut milk and it split and didn't work. I looked at the ingredients on the can & it contained 52% coconut milk, water and stabiliser. Do you recommend using 100% coconut milk - or as close to as possible? There are 82% varieties available too.

  8. Hi Steph,
    The Light Coconut Milk we used contained only 51.5% Coconut, Water and Xantham Gum whilst the Full Fat Version we've also used contains just 82% Coconut and Water

  9. Wouldn't the carbs in the maple syrup result in a blood sugar spike? I realize it's very little sugar, but I wanted to serve this to a diabetic friend and I'm afraid how it would affect her blood sugar. Thanks.

  10. Hi Jenn,
    For someone who is diabetic the maple syrup may be an issue - different people handle differently sugars differently. I know some diabetics who swear by natural sweeteners like maple syrup and honey whilst others still have issues.

  11. This is a fantastic recipe! I am having some now with popcorn, is delicious! Thanks

  12. Oh yay! I'm so glad you love it, Zahira! xx

  13. How can you make the claim that this recipe, which contains 50 grams of sugar is 'sugar free'?

  14. Thank you Kristy! I used an 82% and it worked beautifully. I think the second milk I used was just poor quality. I'll stick to the ones that work :)

  15. I'm on a low calorie diet so I could not use maple syrup. Instead I used Sugar Free "Maple" Syrup and some Stevia. Bad idea. My stomach has not been right for the last few hours. Tasted good though

  16. Yeah I wouldn't suggest using artificial sugars like the ones found in the sugar free maple syrup or stevia. I'm sensitive to all artificial sweeteners (and I include stevia as one of those) and have horrible stomach aches and pains if I even eat the slightest bit so I wonder about their safety!

    If you're on a low calorie diet, stick to real whole foods in moderation. Artificial sugars actually make your body crave more food and more sugar as they first register in your brain as sweet but then your body starts to look for those "sweet calories" triggering your brain to want more food to make up for that deficit

  17. love you recipe!:D

  18. Hi there, do you think this recipe would work if I subbed a dairy free milk (i.e soy milk) for the coconut milk? Thanks

  19. Hi Bridie, I'm currently working on a caramel recipe using regular/non dairy milks but I haven't quite perfected it yet. The thickness of the coconut milk in this recipe is key for a thick luscious caramel so soy milk will not work in this recipe.

  20. Looks nice :) Can I skip completely maple syrup and other sweeteners? Will it work if I just 'cook' coconut milk?

  21. Hi Sam, no you need to use maple syrup for the sugars to caramelize and thus make the caramel! Otherwise you'll just have cooked coconut milk

  22. Do you think coconut jam can be used as a caramel syrup/sauce?

    If not, I'll settle with this one. Hoping for you feedback as soon as possible.

  23. *can be used as a alternative for caramel syrup/sauce

  24. Hi there,
    I've never had Coconut Jam so I'm not really sure - are you wanting to use it as a straight out replacement (because it tastes like caramel) instead of making your own or are you wanting to use it in this recipe? I'm a little confused on what you're wanting to do..

  25. i was wondering the same thing. I think ill try it with the honey

  26. Hi Megan, you'll get the best results by following the original recipes. We didn't like how it turned out using honey so I can't vouch for the results.

    As with all of our recipes, they're tested multiple times by multiple people before being posted on the blog so that when you make them according to the recipe, they work - any changes you make may alter the end product.

  27. How is it sugar free with maple sugar?

  28. Hi Jay, this recipe only contains natural sugars and no added sugars. Almost all natural foods contain natural sugars - from bananas to carrots and broccoli.

  29. Are you using real maple syrup (the kind tapped from a tree) or typical HFCS pancake syrup?

  30. Hi there, this recipe uses real 100% maple syrup - not "maple flavored" syrup

  31. This is not sugar free. Whether it be natural sugar or not.

  32. Hi Rosy, it is free from any refined sugars. The only food/drink that's truly sugar free is water..

  33. Hi Kirsty, such a simple recipe, seems too good to be true! My wife and I try to eat clean foods and avoid refined sugar, butter etc. but I have serious cravings for salted caramel ice cream, I've been looking for the right caramel recipe to be added to home made frozen yogurt and it looks like this could work well, I will give it a try. Do you think agave would work in place of the maple? It has a lower glycemic index. Also looking forward to any breakthroughs you have with other milks as my wife is not a fan of coconut. Maybe another nut milk such as almond milk would work...

  34. Hi Pete, you can certainly use agave syrup instead! We have almost perfected an almond milk version so stay tuned!!


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