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Friday, February 14, 2014

Recent Things: Valentines Pancakes, Sheer Laziness and Good News (RT#4)

Recent Things Blog Post

 Well hey, sweet things! Happy Valentines Day! 

Grab a cup of tea or coffee, get comfy and let's talk about what we've been up to recently with another Recent Things Post. You may have to excuse some errors in this post as my brain isn't really with it at the moment (it's gone walkabouts with my iron stores apparently) but hopefully I don't bore you to death! 

I'd love to know what you've been up to lately too so once you finish reading, stop and taking a second to leave a comment and let me know! But let's get onto this post... 

Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Pancakes for Valentines Day

Recent Breakfasts: This morning my Valentine didn't have to leave for work until 7:30 am (he's been leaving at 5:30/6) so I whipped us up a yummy Valentines Breakfast - peanut butter chocolate chip pancakes for two! I'll have to share the recipe with you soon - they're gluten free, use only a handful of ingredients and are totally healthy!

Washing waiting to be folded - Sheer laziness

Recent Laziness: Okay let's be honest, we are certainly not perfect nor do we have perfect lives or a perfect home (sorry to burst anyone's blog bubble). Lately I've gotten stupidly lazy, thanks to my low iron levels and constant fatigue, so this basket of clothes to fold has been building and building. 

It's mainly Jesse's clothes and it doesn't bother him having to pick through a basket (as he's a boy and well, hello, they'd probably rather just throw clothes everywhere) but it's starting to get on my nerves. 

Needless to say, this will probably all be folded by the end of the day because I keep cringing everytime I see it. 

Unmade Bed - Sheer laziness

But our constant laziness? We never make our bed.... ever. This photo also goes to show how much Jesse takes over my space - I am always waking up to find myself falling off the bed. The left side in the photo is mine and that's my pillow half falling off the bed and half folded in half.  Whoever said girls are the bed hoggers are totally lying!

Chanel fast asleep on the lounge

 Recent Snuggle Buddy actually, constant snuggle buddy. I have the snuggliest puppy in the world who only ever wants to be close to everyone. She's currently snuggled up on my lap while I type. 

The Holy Bible ESV

Recently Grateful For: God and our incredible Church. I've been so out of it lately that the only time I get out of the house (other than to go to the grocery store) is to go to Church on a Sunday but it is worth every second of effort. We have made an incredible group of friends and friends who I know we'll have for life and we're so incredibly blessed.

Smooze Fruit Ice Review

Recent Food Addictions: Smooze, particularly the Simply Coconut Smooze (where do I get a lifetime supply?!??!!). They're all natural, gluten free, free of nasties and so ridiculously delicious. The mango is nice and fruity, but nothing can beat the Simply Coconut version - it's creamy, coconutty and I'm totally obsessed.

Freedom Foods Crunchola Gluten Free Oats in AustraliaGloriously Free Uncontaminated Oats Gluten Free Oats in Australia

NOTE! The Freedom Foods oat based products are no longer gluten free
I'm also currently addicted to Freedom Food's Apple with Blueberry Juice Crunchola and these Uncontaminated Oats. If you've read my post Are Oats Gluten Free? you'd know that whilst Freedom Foods' quick oats aren't labelled as gluten free (as it's not allowed in Australia as 1 in 5 coeliacs can also be also be intolerant to oat gluten) they are indeed "gluten free" - just like Bob's Red Mills Gluten Free Oats. Crunchola, cottage cheese, chia seeds, banana and peanut butter has been my recent breakfast of choice ;P 

I've also recently discovered Gloriously Free Uncontaminated Oats which are available from and it's safe to say they have the SIL tick of approval! They're so creamy and delicious and I can definitely vouch that they're uncontaminated as even traces of gluten have me sick for weeks. 

Farm Heroes Addiction

Recent App-dictions: I'm kind of ashamed to admit, but Jesse and I have developed a bit of a Farm Heroes addiction.... We're both stupidly competitive so we're competing against one another. Just so you know, I'm winning ;) 

Pesto Polenta Pizza

Recent Dinner Successes: This week's dinner of the week for Jesse would have to be a healthy chicken parmigiana that I made for him (I'll have to photograph it next time and share the recipe!) but for me, it had to be this Pesto Polenta Pizza. I'm experimenting with different gluten free pizza crust options and this was delicious and so so easy, so I'll have to remake it, photograph it and share the recipe with you all soon!

Christmas Mug in February

Recent Realisation: That it's Februrary 14th and I'm still eating off Christmas Plates and drinking from my Christmas Tweets Mug. Why can't it be Christmas all year round?

Haematology appointment for Iron Infusion

Recent Triumph: My Haematology appointment got moved forward a week! I'm just six days away from hopefully knowing when an iron infusion shall be flowing through my veins. The low iron symptoms are starting to get more serious and beginning to scare me a little bit, so I couldn't be happier that I'm seeing my doctor sooner rather than later. 

I do realise that an iron infusion has the potential to make me feel like death before I'll feel any better, but I will happily go through anything if it means feeling better in the long run. Lately, I haven't been myself. I'm constantly tired, aching, moody, frustrated, pale/yellow/odd coloured, my hair is falling out in clumps - etc, etc, etc. 

But tell me, who hogs the bed in your relationship?
And what are your favourite eats as of late?


  1. Kristy - you are such an awesome & amazing person! I enjoy your blog so much. Thank you for sharing your life & recipes, etc. with us. I am so glad you are a Christian & that you read the greatest book ever - The Bible. I am praying for complete recovery & restoration in your body in Jesus mighty name! Keep believing & fighting the good fight of faith!

  2. Kristy @ Southern In-LawFebruary 14, 2014 at 12:00 PM

    Oh Melissa, you are so sweet - but I'm not amazing! I'm just a normal person!

    Thank you so much for your prayers and support, it truly means the world <3


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