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Sunday, January 19, 2014

Recent Things: Food, fun, frustrations and cicadas? (RT#2)

Recent Things - Southern In-Law

Why hello there! How's your Sunday? 

Jesse and I have already had quite a day, we've been to church, spent time with friends and made new ones, eaten lunch, cleaned up around the house and I've even been baking! But that shouldn't really surprise you as you see so many baked goodies here on the blog :P 

Last week, I posted our first "Recent Things" post and it seemed that you guys loved it - and we had fun putting it together too! 

I realised that I need to take more photos - not just photos of food - so these posts are a good way to get me doing that! They're a little bit random but also a little bit of fun - and I'd love you to share some of your recent things with us too!

Cocoa Puffs Cereal Mess - Peanut Butter, Banana, Cottage Cheese  - Aldi Gluten Free Cereal Review

Recent breakfasting?
Well, this is a bit of a contradiction, I say I need to take more than just photos of food and here you have a picture of my breakfast. But hey!

For once I've been switching things up from my usual breakfast bakes. I realised I'd eaten breakfast bakes every single day for a couple of months - not that that's a bad thing, but we're running low on freezer space here in the SIL house (I really need to buy a separate chest freezer :P) so I had to slow breakfast bake production :P 

This morning, breakfast was a cereal mess - and you can see I'm not joking with the name. I actually don't like cereal with milk that much (and that's the reason I rarely ate cereal as a child - SIL Mama thought my insistence on eating cereal dry was a little bit odd) so these cereal messes were the result of that. They're one of my favourite summery breakfasts and stupidly simple to put together. I make a million and one different combinations with whatever I have available, but here is this morning's mix.

Cocoa Puffs Cereal Mess - Peanut Butter Cottage Cheese Banana - Aldi Gluten Free Cereal Review

And, because I know someone will want to know, here is how said mess gets created (in really, quite an organised fashion!). 

First you start with your base. I usually use cottage cheese or greek yogurt, but if you're a cereal with milk lover you can use that too - it's just not quite so messy or crunchy ;P

Next, you add your cereal. Today? Gluten free cocoa puffs from Aldi. A random purchase that's been sitting in our pantry for quite some time and needed eating before it expired. A very delicious purchase though, might I add! 

Then you add some fruit - in this case, the last of the frozen banana chunks from the freezer. I use fresh, frozen or dried fruit but frozen bananas are definitely my fruit of choice in the summer time as they're cool, creamy and delicious. 

Then, you add your toppings. For me, it's pretty much always melty drippy peanut butter - but I've also been known to add other nut butters or nuts. 

Then, you mix everything up and call Kristy a genius devour.

Healthy Bacon and Eggs for Breakfast

But what did Jesse eat for breakfast? Boring old bacon and eggs. Jesse has a bacon and egg "sandwich" every day - just two eggs, two slices of shortcut bacon and two pieces of toasted wholemeal bread bread stacked together and devoured in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. 

ItzaBot Growth Progress

Recent ItzaBot Progress?
Well, it seems lots of you loved the ItzaBots from last week and apparently there's a lot of new ItzaBot owners around the world. Jesse's (the one on the right) started sprouting this week and is totally trying to compete with my little guy. Now, being the competitive person I am, I'm treating this as a race and trying to figure out how I can ensure my ItzaBot will always have luscious grassy locks :P

Face masks are not attractive

What I've recently learnt?
My husband must really love me as he doesn't divorce me for walking around like this. Ladies, you cannot look cute in a face mask - it just doesn't work. But hey, the end result is all that matters! I love this Mint Julep Face Mask from Queen Helene it's under $4 at iHerb, is perfect for my sensitive skin and really helps to clear up and settle down blemishes. It also leaves your face feeling super clean and refreshed!

Blue skies in Sydney

Recently Admiring?
Blue skies! Today has been a bit of a mix matched day - the sky was grey, then at lunch time we had glorious blue skies and now we're looking at clouds. 

I'm definitely soaking up every second of blue skies we have - you just never know what the weather is going to be like in Sydney at the moment!

Frangipanis in Sydney Summer

I'm also still loving our frangipani tree (as I mentioned last week!). They still look beautiful and smell amaaaaaaaaaazing! 

Cheesymite Scrolls!

Recent things to look forward to? 
The recipe for these DEEEEEEEEEEEEEELICIOUS Cheesymite Scrolls. Jesse called me a genius, Katrina loved them and I devoured half the batch on my own. Tomorrow marks the start of Australia Week! on Southern In-Law and I'm sharing lots of healthier versions of Australian favourites - and this one of those recipes!

I devoured the last two the second I got home from church today. As you can tell, I didn't even bother with a plate as that's the bottom half of the tupperware container I stored them in :P Om. Nom. Nom. 

Wondering what else you'll see during Aussie week? Lots of delicious new recipes (both sweet and savoury) including ANZAC biscuits and lamingtons and even an Australia Day themed competition!

Star Wars Online - Gamer Husband

Recent Frustration?
Jesse's games! Oy vey! I love my husband, but I do not love his gaming addiction ;P He's still obsessed with the Star Wars game and now that his brother is playing it too, it doesn't seem like the obsession is ending anytime soon. Womp womp!

Black Prince Cicadas in Sydney

Recent House Guests?
These two Black Prince Cicadas (according to SIL Dad) showed up at our house which, also according to SIL Dad, is incredibly rare - thus the photo.

Other Recent Things?

Recently smelling: the chocolate buttermilk loaf cake I've just taken out of the oven. If it tastes as good as it smells, you can expect a recipe very very soon!
Recently eating: I just finished eating a mango. Ohhhhhhhhhhh how I love mangoes - and my stomach for finally letting me eat them. 
Recently doing: I'm writing this post (duh!) and Jesse is cleaning up the back room. Bless his heart, he cleaned out our office room to make a special reading spot just for me! Before writing this post, I was baking!
Currently thinking: about making another recipe for Australia week once I finish this post. The food processor bowl is sitting on the bench waiting for me to put it away - but I'm actually going to dirty it again and make something delicious!
Currently loving: Our new commenting system and that it's now so easy for you guys to comment! I know many of you are loving it too so I definitely have a reason for my repeated happy dances about it!

But tell me, what was the last thing you ate?
And what have you learnt recently?

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  1. All of my kids never had milk on their cereal until they reached about 5 - must run in the family :)

  2. Kristy @ Southern In-LawJanuary 20, 2014 at 8:05 AM

    Haha, it must do!!


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