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Friday, January 3, 2014

Currently: on Holidays

Hi loves! We're still well in truly in holiday mode (and soaking up our final relaxation time before starting back at work on Monday). It's a no makeup, no to-do lists, no work kind of relaxation - just spending time with family and friends and enjoying ourselves. 

We decided we'd share some of our current favourites and things we're doing - so here it goes: 

Currently admiring: 
The beautiful city we live in! We're so grateful to be together permanently in one of the most beautiful places in the world. Sure, the weather hasn't been the greatest lately - but you can't beat this city! 

What Chanel's been up to: 
Sleeping, snuggling and following her mama around like a shadow. She is certainly happy to be with us 24/7! 

We're also currently looking at buying Katrina a new puppy (as our first pup passed away last year) so I'm soaking up every second with Chanel as our only fur baby. 

Right now she's actually having a bath and getting all beautiful! She didn't like me taking pictures of her without being all pretty, but this just shows you how skinny she is under all that fur! 

What Kristy's been up to: 
Baking, baking, baking and more baking! I've been cooking up a storm and have so many recipes I need to remake and share with you all once we get home! 

Highlights? Fudgy ooey gooey chocolate brownies that are super decadent but still way healthier, chocolate and peanut butter rice crispy treats, apple tea cake with sticky glaze, ricotta banana breakfast bakes and so much more! 

What Jesse's been up to:
Watching cartoons. He's finished all 4 seasons of Yu-Yu Hakusho and is now almost finished the first season of Adventure Time that Katrina gave him for Christmas. He's also been madly playing some online Star Wars game with a friend, swimming in the pool and watching Here Comes Honey Boo Boo with me :P 

He's also been helping me in the kitchen and helped me to make rice crispy treats the other day! 

What we're reading: 
Hanging in There by John Dickson. I read it first over Christmas and then passed it onto Jesse. This book is a must read for all Christians, I think, as it covers so many things we can struggle with. 

Currently wearing: 
Happy pants, that's what we've been calling my pants as of late. A lot of them I picked up in Bali and some I picked up at home - we call them happy pants, lazy pants, Bali pants and a million other names but they're so comfy and perfect for lounging about! 

Beauty must have: 
It has to be this A'kin Rosehip Oil as both Jesse and I swear by it. I have issues with dry sensitive skin and Jesse was finding the lack of humidity here was totally drying out and irritating his skin. 

I finally convinced him to try the Rosehip Oil as I use it every day and he tried it once and hasn't stopped using it since! His skin issues cleared up completely so now he's an addict too! 

Currently wanting: 
This super cute daisy lamp from a cafe at Westfield East Gardens. Potentially totally tacky, but it was so bright and happy! I think it'd be totally cute in a little girls room! 

Current bargains: 
I am loving the post Christmas sales and as always, I've been buying way too many things for the kitchen. 

I picked up a bunch of things online at Peter's of Kensington, grabbed some pans and cookie sheets for just $5 each yesterday at Target (1/2 price on all bakeware) and also grabbed a second crepe pan from Big W for just $12.50 (also 1/2 price!). We also got new towels for our house at Target as they were half price and SIL Mama got some new clothes and shoes. 

Bargain hunting divas, we are! 

Other current loves? 
- Fresh fruit! Blueberries, mangoes, bananas and apples all taste ah-maze-ing at the moment and they're so refreshing in the heat!
- Family and Friends, we've rarely had a day to ourselves since Christmas but it's so lovely to spend time with the ones we love! 
- Balance. This is one I think everyone needs to remember this new year. Too many people are focused on being the cleanest, healthiest, leanest, strongest and their New Years resolutions are all about quitting this and that. Instead, what you should strive for is balance. Healthy living is all about balance - not restriction! It's about being healthy physically, mentally and emotionally - and are you really going to be healthy mentally and emotionally if you ban yourself from so many things and live by so many rules? Know that you should enjoy healthy foods and be active, but you should also allow yourself treats. Look after yourself!! 

But tell me, what are you currently loving and what have you been up to lately? We want to know!! 

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