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Tuesday, January 7, 2014

SIL in Bali: Our Six Course Degustation Dinner

Gluten Free Travel in Bali - Travel Reviews

Why hello loves! I wanted to take you back to paradise with more from our trip to Bali!

Gluten Free Degustation Dinner at Ubud's Viceroy Bali - CasCades Restaurant Review

We're back once again at Viceroy Bali - seriously one of the most beautiful places on earth! If you've been reading Southern In-Law for a while, you'll know that I suffer from many many many food allergies and intolerances in addition to being a coeliac.

You wouldn't think I'd be able to eat a six course degustation dinner, would you? But the incredible team at Viceroy Bali's CasCades Restaurant made sure that I could - and ooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh how delicious it was!

Romantic Couple's Degustation Dinner at Ubud's Viceroy Bali - CasCades Restaurant Review

Usually, CasCades' Candlelight Degustation Dinners are held at a unique private location - either by the pool or on the secluded area beyond the Lembah Spa, however, the weather wasn't look so fabulous on the day we had planned our degustation dinner so they kept us inside the restaurant. 

Our table was surrounded by a heart shaped border of fresh flower petals which was super cute. The chef and restaurant manager came out to meet us and presented us with our menus for the night and made sure there wasn't anything we'd like changed. We made one little change to Jesse's dessert and that was it! (I have turned Jesse into a bit of a chocoholic like me so it was a swap for the Chocolate Dessert :P) 

I was totally worried about eating six courses as I am definitely a quality over quantity girl. I eat smaller frequent meals as my stomach doesn't hold too much so I made sure to pace myself (as did Jesse). That said, by the time I saw the size of my main, I wish I had've devoured all of the delicious soup and not just a spoonful or two :P

Here's our degustation dinners!

Gluten Free Degustation Dinner at Ubud's Viceroy Bali - CasCades Restaurant Review

Speaking of my lovely husband, here is what he dined on. Jesse has no allergies, unlike his allergic to everything wife, so the chef got to do whatever he fancied! 

You will have to excuse the awful photography, but candlelight and my cameras aren't friends so the iPhone had to suffice!

Jesse's Degustation Dinner, from L-R top row to bottom row: 
The Amuse Bouche: a cucumber roll filled with avocado and cream, garnished with a fresh flower.
Salad Course: A crisp garden salad with asparagus, cherry tomatoes, parmesan crisps and potato slices.
Soup Course: Cheese and broccoli soup 
Entree Course: Zucchini flowers stuffed with Mediterranean ratatouille, fried in a light tempura batter and served with a yellow bell pepper (capsicum) sauce 
Main Course: Roasted chicken breast stuffed mushroom and rosemary, potato gratin, organic vegetables and gravy wine jus
Dessert: The chocolate parfait - a chocolate mousse coated in valhrona 86% cocoa dark ganache with citrus gemolata

Jesse was in heaven. The highlight of the meal? Definitely the zucchini flowers - he raved about them for weeeksssss and is now totally onboard the zucchini flower train. 

Gluten Free Degustation Dinner at Ubud's Viceroy Bali - CasCades Restaurant Review
My Allergy Friendly, Gluten Free Degustation Dinner, from L-R top row to bottom row: 
The Amuse Bouche: a cucumber roll filled with avocado and cream, garnished with a fresh flower.
Salad Course: A fresh Vietnamese rice noodle salad with carrot, cucumber, avocado and mint.
Soup Course: Carrot and ginger soup served with a dollop of cream cheese
Entree Course: Fresh zucchini flowers stuffed with ricotta and fresh herbs, blanched and served with a beetroot yogurt sauce. 
Main Course: Red Aztec Quinoa with morel mushrooms, carrot, green asparagus and camembert cheese
Dessert: The Chocolate Dream: A light, airy chocolate foam with banana, homemade coconut marshmallows and hazelnut almond ice cream.

Now I mentioned I was pacing myself with the courses to make sure I had room to try everything.... but let me tell you, those zucchini flowers had no chance and they were totally the highlight of the meal - as was the incredible camembert on the main course. Girl loves her cheese! I have been begging Jesse for a zucchini plant just so I can pick the flowers and devour them just like this :P 

To say our degustation dinner at CasCades Restaurant was incredible is an absolute understatement. If you love food, make sure you at least stop at CasCades for a meal as the food is incredible - and the team both in the kitchen and in the restaurant are so friendly and accommodating.

The team in the kitchen went above and beyond to cater for my allergies and made sure everything was safe and delicious.

Viceroy Bali
Jln. Lanyahan, Br Nagi, Ubud, Bali 80571 Indonesia.
Phone: +62 361 971 777 - Fax: +62 361 970 777

But tell me, have you ever attended a degustation?
And what's your favourite course - are you a main lover, appetiser fan or a dessert fiend?
I have to say, I always look forward to dessert the most ;P 

Full disclosure: Kristy and Jesse stayed as guests of Viceroy Bali and all of their accomodation costs were covered by Viceroy Bali plus their breakfast, this degustation dinner and massage therapies. The couple paid for their additional meals and flights. 

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