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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Recipe: Baked Banana Ricotta Cups

Baked Banana Ricotta Cups

When the weather is cold, I always seek out warm foods. It was on one of these days I discovered just how delicious baked ricotta is. For a long time I've been baking ricotta for an afternoon snack or warm dessert, but it takes around an hour for it to bake completely and sometimes I just don't have the time - or the patience. 

Muffins in the Oven

I decided I needed a warm dessert for winter nights - so I broke out my silicone baking cups, grabbed the ricotta and got to experimenting. What came out of my experiments was one of the simplest, but most delicious recipes I have made. It can easily be multiplied and made into a full sized cake and if you prefer a crust on your cheesecake, that can be added too! 

This version has only three ingredients and each ricotta cup has around 10 grams of protein! They're a delicious and healthy dessert or snack option that's so simple to make! The banana caramelises, making the ricotta sweet and full of flavour.

Gluten Free Baked Banana RicottaHealthy Baked Banana Ricotta

 Baked Banana Ricotta Cups - makes 3
A quick and healthy dessert that can easily be multiplied for bigger batches and freezes well. It's like a healthy gluten free cheesecake - add a crust if you prefer!

1 medium ripe banana
250g/9 oz ricotta cheese (I've used both full fat and reduced fat with equal success)
1 egg 

Preheat oven to 190°C/375°F.
In a mixing bowl, mash the banana thoroughly. 
Add ricotta and egg and mix until combined. 
Pour mixture into silicone muffin cases or greased tins*
Bake for around an hour, or until edges caramelise and the ricotta cups are set. 
Leave to cool slightly, serve warm or chill in the fridge. 

Notes: When you take them out of the oven, the do shrink a bit - but this is normal!
*I haven't tried making them in anything other than the silicone cups as they are the easiest to get the delicate cheesecakes out of. If you try this recipe in muffin tins or any other tin, let me know!

Low fat Baked Banana ricotta

Dessert doesn't get much simpler than that - does it? Plus they're healthy too, so what more reason do you need to give them a try! Feel free to add sugar if you have more of a sweet tooth - or whatever other additions you might feel like.
I have other versions of these ricotta cups that I make that I will be posting in the future, let me know if you have any ideas that you'd like me to try! 
But first tell me, What's your favourite wintery dessert? 

Also, my new ipad arrived, so I've signed up to instagram - follow me by searching @southerninlaw 



  1. I never really thought to put banana in baked ricotta but it sounds delicious! :D

    1. It's really yum, it makes it sweet and desserty! Definitely worth a try :)

  2. Can't believe there are only 3 ingredients! This is a must try...They look really yummy!

    1. It's definitely a must try recipe, they're so delicious its hard to believe theyre so easy to make! Let me know what you think!

  3. I made these last night and I added a teaspoon of SF vanilla syrup to it. they tasted just like banna bread! Thanks you so much for the recipe! I will definately be making them again!

    1. Oh yay! I'm so glad you loved them - if you make them again, be sure to take a picture and send it to me so I can add it to our reader showcase!

  4. Making these right now in muffin tin! I'll let you know how it goes! Thank you for the recipe!

  5. This is my absolute favorite recipe! Thank you so much for posting!

  6. Hi! This looks amazing! What twmp should I bake them at?

  7. Well I made
    These little gems and now we have a treat to have with our coffee while watching our weight. Thank you!

  8. Just Made these they came out delicious. Used paper liners not recommended.. also added mini chic chips and sf skinny syrup

  9. Made these today and added vanilla extract, cinnamon, nutmeg, Stevia. These were wonderful!

  10. I am waiting for a new element for my oven so would you recommend trying this is the microwave ? I made a great pumpkin bread the other day I was very happy with . I have some ricotta I need to use up .

  11. I made it tonight in ramekins following your recipe exactly. It turned out perfect. I put a small amount of apricot spread on top. DELICIOUS!!!


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