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Friday, June 22, 2012

Friday Favourites: 22 June 2012

Another week has flown by and it's almost the weekend! I've found some great posts and things I want to share with you, so here it goes! 

Favourite Feel Good Article: 
21 pictures that will restore your faith in humanity. These photos just go to show there are still good people out there! Let these inspire you to be a better person yourself!

Favourite powerful post: 
Patti's gorgeous daughter, Lily is full of life and sounds like she would be a tonne of fun to be around. Lily also has Down's Syndrome - but that's not who she is. Patti wrote this gorgeous post about Lily that everyone should read. Lily is not a disability, she's a child - and a precious one at that!  Reading this post could just change a child's life - and their parent's.  

Favourite "why didn't I think of that?" recipe: 
I've made peanut butter cups, cookie dough truffles and many other chocolate delights for special occaisons - but never have I though of putting cheesecake filling inside chocolate cups. Brandi at Bran Appetit did just that with her Cheesecake Yogurt Chocolate Cups. These would be the perfect foodie gift for a cheesecake fan! 

Favourite life tips: 
This week was Cassie's birthday and to celebrate, she posted "29 things I've learned in 29 years". Some of these things everyone should use in their own life, like "If you don’t have kids, find some to play with. It’s good for the soul. Few things are more humbling than when a two-year-old asks you to climb around on all fours with them. Run, jump, play tag, make up imaginary games, make them laugh. Be a kid again." as a nanny I can't agree with this more!

Plus, go and wish her a belated happy birthday! :)

Favourite photography tips:
I often get asked for tips on post processing, but I'm never really sure how to give them. Bridget at The Way The Cookie Crumbles posted her Simple Post Processing Tips this week and I had to share! It's really worth a look if you have an interest in a photography or want to find out how to better your photos!

Favourite news article: 
Ever wondered what olympians really eat? The answer is alot - but still food that any regular Joe would eat. This article from Epicurious satisfies that curiosity with a days eats of two olympians in training.

Favourite garden:
This garden would be stunning for a party! It looks almost magical and would look even better with candle filled lanterns or fairy lights strung around!

So tell me, what were your favourite posts this week? Anything to share with me?!


  1. awww, thanks for the shout out:) Going to have to try those cheesecake yogurt chocolate cups!

  2. thanks so much for featuring my cheesecake cups! they'll definitely be made again soon here :)

  3. I loved everything in this post! I seriously visited every single link haha...I loved the faith-restoring pictures!


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