Hellloooo, lovely ones! Can you believe there is just 11 days til Christmas?!?!?!
I am sooo ready to spend time with friends and family and am so excited to finally give the Christmas gifts that have been sitting wrapped in my office for months! I'm a serious early bird when it comes to gifts. I like to have them purchased, wrapped and ready by December 1st at the absolute latest - but usually they're all wrapped and ready by November 1.
But before I can get to Christmas, I've got to catch you up on our week!
Here's what's been happening in our world this week! >>
Recent Realisation: That we're two months passed our wedding anniversary and we still haven't had our anniversary photos taken..
I'm still planning on keeping up with this tradition - life has just been crazy lately and to be completely honest, we don't have anything to wear either, haha!
I'm hoping we can get our act together over the Christmas break.
Recently Helping: Jesse put up the Christmas lights.. and by helping I mean "helping" because he really does all the work...
I'm scared of heights so I can only put lights on the side that's closest to the ground 🤣 I will climb a ladder - but only about 6 steps up... once I get passed what would be my head height standing on the ground, I just can't.
Recently Noticing: That my Devil's Ivy just keeps on sprouting leaves...
When I first got it, it only had a single leaf draping over the edge... now it's taking over 😛
Recently Spending: ALLL of my free time here. So cosy and lovely!
Recently Reading: ALLLLLL the books as I'm SO CLOSE to 100 read books for the year!
Rachael Johns' Lost Without You was definitely one of my favourite books of the month! So so good.
Recently Spotting: This GIANT Pikachu costume which I first thought was a toy - until I noticed the eyes were those see through mesh eyes you see in mascot costumes.
Jesse would have loved if I brought it home, but... not... gonna.. happen.. buddy.
He'd probably want to wear it for our anniversary photos.
And NO, Jesse Jones... because I know you're reading this... don't even think about it. I know where you live!
Recently Working: With Trixie (and her ball) underneath my feet... every single day.
Recently Making: This DIY Disney Wreath for our front door. It's a very Disney Christmas this year!
Recently Posting (And Eating): This Gluten Free Christmas Brownie Recipe. ZOMG, SO good. When I photographed them I made a double batch and froze a batch and I've been eating them straight from the freezer and they are ridiculously good. Chewy gooey deliciousness.
But tell me,
Have you done all your Christmas shopping yet?
And what's the best thing you've eaten this week?

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