It's Friday again! This week has been busy busy busy in the SIL world as we're scrambling to get everything done before leaving for Louisiana on Monday morning! (Eeek!).
I'm doing things a little bit differently this week (and I'll probably do the same whilst we're in Louisiana) as many of you have been asking me if we could share all of what we get up to during the week (instead of just a few highlights!).
But let's take a look at what we've been up to >>
Saturday was quite a relaxing day compared to the rest of the week! We headed to the shops in the morning to pick up some things for Louisiana (gifts for Jesse's nieces and bits and pieces to take with us) and then I headed home to get my bake on!

I made our favourite lightened up Chocolate Chip Cookies (recipe coming soon I promise) and Apple Walnut Muffins (there's a recipe coming for those too!) which were deeeeeeeeelish.
We then spent the rest of the evening being lazy and watching Supernatural because we're seriously addicted (we binge watch shows and it's an awful habit but it's so so good!)
I also posted these increeeeeeeeeeeeeedible Healthy Apple and Cinnamon Baked Cheesecakes which we're totally obsessed with.

Then it was church time and we stayed until 12:30 catching up with everyone afterwards at Morning Tea! I made the rookie mistake of walking in the morning and thinking it was warm (because my heart rate was up and I warmed myself up) and then wearing a Spring-ish outfit to church only to freeeeeeeeze.
Sunday night was another lazy night filled with Supernatural watching (I told you, addicted) and of course, I posted our Six Sentence Sunday Post!
Monday was a busy busy busy work day - I had a bunch of invoices to send, quotes to put together, logos to design and an entire magazine to write so I got stuck into it and worked non-stop.
But once I'd achieve all I wanted to do for the day, I decided to bake!
I whipped up a new batch of Cheesy Garlic Bread Muffins for quick snacks and lunches during the week as well as a ham and cheese version which I still need to work on!
Blog wise, I shared these deeeeeeeeeelish Grown Up Healthy PB&J Tarts!
Then on Monday night, Jesse had to work and I could. not. sleep. He didn't get back home until 6am so I was worried that something had happened as I hadn't heard from him - but too lazy to walk to our office and get my phone to text him #sleepygirlproblems
But it wasn't so bad because Jesse had Tuesday off! I had a tonne of work to do so I did that whilst he was sleeping and then once he woke up I took time off working to spend with him (because I think that's more important than anything).
And since he worked so hard, I decided he needed a treat so I made him cookies! I had a bit of Nutella to use up before we went away so I adapted one of our favourite cookie recipes and made some Healthy Nutella Cookies!
Let me just say, these may be the best cookies I have ever made. They're crunchy, chewy, soft - all of the right things in one cookie.
Deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelicious, my friends!
On Wednesday mornings, I help out with our church's Mainly Music program - which basically means I get to hold babies, have great conversations and spend time with friends whilst making new friends!

Wednesday nights we have our "bible study" (read: chat and talk some more about what we're reading in the bible) group so I headed to that whilst Jesse went out with a friend (because he had completely forgotten it was Wednesday after his confused sleep schedule the day before).
Yesterday I headed out for lunch at a friend's house who's just gotten a Thermomix! It was really interesting seeing how much it can do buttttttttt $2000 is a lot of money for an appliance and I'm already in love with my OmniBlend (even though it doesn't cook or stir food - but I can do that myself).
Then it was back home to get some work done before I headed out to a Women's Ministry Meeting at a friends house. It was really interesting and cool to see so many women together, wanting to get to know eachother - from myself as the youngest at 21 to women in their 80's and 90's!
Today I've been busily working away, finalising the last projects I've got before going away! I am now officially finished everything I need to do before I leave so I decided to make some cookies! (Can you tell I have a dozen ingredients I need to use up before leaving!)
Today it was Almond Meal Cookies and Chocolate Macaroons! I wanted to make regular Macaroons too but I ran out of coconut so I'll have to make those tomorrow! Both recipes for these will be on the blog soon, promise!
Then tonight, we're treating our youth group kiddos to a pizza and movie night as it's the end of the school term so that's where we'll be from 5:30pm-10pm (because they never leave on time we always add at least an hour :P). The plan is to watch Daddy Daycare on the big screen in the church so I think they'll have a lot of fun.
But tell me, how has your week been?
Have you done anything exciting or made anything delicious? Tell me all about it!
We have seriously made a lot of cookies this week ;P But don't worry! We share!!
Can't wait for those cookie recipes ;)
ReplyDeleteThey are deeeeeeeelish!
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to the cookie recipe! All of your eats look good, especially your apple muffins!
ReplyDeleteOur week has been good, just enjoying Summer by swimming everyday in my parents' pool and enjoying the Sun!
Ooh I cannot wait to be soaking up the sun next week as well! It's been really cold in Sydney so we cannot wait to get to Louisiana haha!