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Monday, February 17, 2014

Recipe: Healthy Peanut Butter Cookie Dough for One!

Healthy Peanut Butter Cookie Dough for One - Single Serving Protein Cookie Dough - Gluten Free, Low Fat, Clean Eating Friendly, Grain Free, Sugar Free, Vegan

What would you say if I told you that you could eat cookie dough as a snack or for dessert and it could be totally healthy. You probably wouldn’t believe me, right? Or you might think I’m going to tell you about a nasty bean filled concoction that doesn’t include a single item real cookie dough does – wrong. Or you could be like Jesse and think I’d totally lost the plot.

I sat down in my favourite red chair, bowl in hand, munching away and Jesse asked me what I was eating. “Cookie dough” I said, quite possibly with a mouthful of said cookie dough. “What? Cookie dough? You didn’t feel like baking the cookies or something?” Jesse asked me. Psh! I’m lazy, but I’m not that lazy! 

Healthy Peanut Butter Cookie Dough for One - Single Serving Protein Cookie Dough - Gluten Free, Low Fat, Clean Eating Friendly, Grain Free, Sugar Free, VeganI’ve been trying to find ways to add more protein into my diet, so I’ve been playing around with different combinations and new recipes. What I came up with was a recipe for a single serving of protein cookie dough that tastes just like peanut butter cookie dough and uses no funky ingredients. No beans, no protein powders, no artificial sugars or nasties.

But be warned, now that I’ve given you a recipe that allows you to eat healthy cookie dough, you’ll probably find yourself making it all the time and bragging about it to everyone. Jesse is addicted too…. But you can’t really blame him, can you?

But let's get onto the recipe! >> 

Healthy Peanut Butter Cookie Dough for One - Single Serving Protein Cookie Dough - Gluten Free, Low Fat, Clean Eating Friendly, Grain Free, Sugar Free, Vegan

Healthy Peanut Butter Cookie Dough For One makes 1 snack sized serving
gluten free, low fat, clean eating friendly, vegan, sugar free, grain free 

1 tsp coconut oil 
1/2 tsp - 1 tsp maple syrup (depending on how sweet you like things)
Chocolate chips/chopped chocolate (use as many as you want)
A pinch of salt 
Enough water/milk to make a dough like consistency

Combine all of your ingredients, adding enough liquid to form a dough like consistency (it will only be a small amount, likely less than a tablespoon). Devour!

How easy is that?! 

But tell me, are you a cookie dough fan? What's your favourite type? 
And what snack are you loving at the moment? 


  1. Kristy,
    Have you ever thought about seriously making a cookbook?! I think you could really help a lot of people - you've got some great allergy friendly recipes! I'd def buy a copy : )

  2. Kristy @ Southern In-LawFebruary 18, 2014 at 2:59 PM

    Oh Millie you are so sweet! A cookbook is a dream of ours and we certainly have enough recipes to make one - all we're missing is a publisher interested in publishing it! ;)

  3. Hi Kristy! I tried to make these with some peanut flour that I tried to make myself since I don't have any peanut flour, but I'm thinking that's not quite a good idea when I saw my finished product! I couldn't get my homemade peanut flour to resemble flour; it was a bit coarse, and I imagine the flour would help soak up some of the oil, because my dough was so oily! I'll just have to try this again with real peanut flour whenever I get around to buying any! : )

  4. Kristy @ Southern In-LawFebruary 21, 2014 at 11:19 AM

    Ahh! That's because the peanut flour is actually defatted (I think - I could be wrong) to give it a flour like consistency! It's definitely worth buying though!!

  5. YUMMO! just tucking into my cookie dough now. i need more :)

  6. Yum! That's what I say every time I make it - I need to figure out how to make a never-ending bowl ;) xx

  7. Will this work with almond flour?

  8. Hi Claudia,
    Unfortunately this doesn't work with almond flour, however, I'll definitely try working on a version that does! xx


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