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Friday, December 6, 2013

Recipe: Healthy Spinach and Ricotta Frittata

Healthy Spinach and Ricotta Frittata

I think it's happened to all of us - you eat out at a restaurant or cafe, try something, fall in love and then spend what feels like a billion years trying to recreate it. It happened with my Healthy Almond Meal and Banana Muffins. Sometimes it's easy, other times it's harder than you think. 

For me, the perfect Spinach and Ricotta Frittata was what I was trying to achieve. I tried a billion and one different combinations and finally I came up with the perfect one! 

Now this photo is really ugly, but it was so good I couldn't help but share ASAP! I actually baked this in a round cake tin, hence why it's quite thin and two quarters cut and placed on top of one another. 

But forget about the photos - this frittata is amaaaaaaazing and so simple to make - so let's get onto that recipe!

Healthy Spinach and Ricotta Frittata Recipe

Healthy Spinach and Ricotta Frittata serves 1-2 
gluten free, low fat, sugar free, clean eating friendly

2 large eggs 
About 3-4 cups of fresh baby spinach (we just use whatever we have at the time)
1 clove of garlic, crushed
1 cup low fat ricotta cheese 
1/2 cup greek yogurt (we used Chobani 0% as we love the tang)
Salt and pepper 

Preheat your oven to 200°C/395°F
Grease and/or line a small cake pan (or use a silicone pan)
In a small frying pan/sauce pan saute your spinach with the garlic and a dash of water, cooking and stirring until the spinach is wilted. 
Pour your spinach into the bottom of your pan. 
Mix together your ricotta, yogurt, eggs, salt and pepper and pour over spinach. 
Place your frittata mixture into the oven and bake until set and cooked through (about 30 minutes). 
Serve warm or chill in the fridge (I like frittatas both hot and cold so it's up to you!)

But tell me, are you a frittata fan? 
What's your ultimate frittata made of?

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